Monday, October 7, 2013

Tue, Sep 3, 2013 First off.... HAPPY BIRTHDAY TIMOTHY SON OF DAVID!!!, hope you had a good one. I just got my "Pre-Trunks" as they call them on Saturday, ohhhhhh things are happening quick. I've got to fill out Bishop/Stake President Information and such and that I'm flying, etc. and send it in as fast as I can. I have to agree with you on the whole it getting darker thing. It's a pain when you are trying to contact because when it's darker people are just wondering why you are out so late and they just wanna burrow in their caves and just be left alone. To answer some questions, we are back at the Hansens, not at the "White-House" with Elder Kennedy. You asked about the weather, it's been cloudier here and some rain, not a fan, it's like I'm in Finland :) Last week for a P-day lunch, we went to KFC. I should have learned my lesson over in La Grande when we got KFC once a month for free and it would put us out of commision for a day or so. I ordered these little boneless bite things and it was presented on this huge black styrofoam plate so it made my meal look super tiny and unattractive. One of the Elders got drumsticks and lifted it up and it seriously like dripped a gallons worth of grease/sweat off of it. We spent the later part of the night finalizing our Zone goals and info that we needed to present at Mission Leadership Council. Woke up at the crack of dawn, well not really, like 5 something, but still and lousy part of the day, and headed over to Twin to our interview at 7:45. I love President Curtis, he's awesome.He wants us to go straight to him rather than to the Assistants first, which also increases the bond and relationship that we have with him. Our Zone is awesome, there are always struggles, but I can say I'm as proud as a Peacock when it comes to the missionaries in it. You just gain a who ton more of love for all of them as a Zone Leader and they've recipricated that back with way nice comments. it just builds ya up. On the way home we took the Kimberly route and just stopped by quickly at the Wardells, where Elder Steimle used to live It was nice to glance at the old area. We got free Hoagie Street Deli on the way home. We went to R. home for our lesson and watched Finding Faith in Christ with him and H. He was comparing it to the Passion of the Christ, but you just can't do that, they have different focuses and messages, so one might have more of one thing or less than the other. I've seen that a lot on my mission, I saw a few minutes of it back in Meridian at a LA's house and I wasn't a fan, unnecessary depictions and fails to focus on the main message of the Atonement. Elder Mayfield's bike has been acting up again so we took the bike in the truck over to Wally World, where you find solace, and he traded it for another one. It is ridiculous how often people just hand us money. A lady saw us and just handed a $20 and said go have a good lunch, we're so blessed. We went to Arby's to feed 4 men, I think it turned out to be like $19.70 or something. I had exchanges in my area with one of the District Leaders Elder King. He's a good missionary and taught me a lot of stuff that he learned back in his Karate days, it was like I was companions with Mr.Myogi. One of my favorite investigators had to be handed over to the Sisters, the lesson turned out great for the switch, they brought a few fellowshippers to help. Elder King and I had Taco Bendito for dinner/lunch and I won't be eating there for awhile. D. is a new investigator that is basically homeless, like 28 or so, we're hopeful, he attended sacrament meeting this week. Had a District Leaders Conference with, obviously, the District Leaders, on what we gained from MLC. Had dinner at Brother Moreys house, he cooked some pretty dang good hamburgers, well they better be if he owns Morey's Steakhouse for heavens sakes. A. a less-active that we found a little while ago who was very alone after a separation and divorce, has found renewed strength as we've been able to introduce him to more members, he was also at church this last Sunday, Bro.W went and got him some church clothes and he was thrilled. Had Zone Meeting, as always, they loved it, I try to shake things up a little and make it exciting and applicable. I had another exchange with Elder Mander, one of the Assistants, it was fun, we went to the Star 2nd ward Fiesta, activity they throw for the spanish community in the area, it was good to have him there because he is Spanish Speaking. Sister M in the District had strep, the phone stopped working, so we had to drive to Rupert and get the house phone was her companion Sister E everyone is like sick lately. Had a great contacting experience with a referral give from the H's turned from a no, to a maybe, to a probably. We had lunch at this widow's house with the other Elders, she is hilarious, she pretends to be ticked off all the time but isn't. We had 3rd ward do splits for the first time, we're making headway. We got a call from F. a less-active who is in pretty deep with some harmful substances and we played this Mormon Message that really clicked with him, "Jesus Christ, The Way" you should check it out, pretty similar situation, but he wants to change and we're trying to help. We taught RS again, we used the Work of Salvation and templates for Family Mission Plans, it turned out really good. R didn't come to church so we went over after and he admitted that he was playin hooky and we were able to teach him to compensate for what he missed in class. Ate dinner at Brother Morey's again and then went out on Splits. It rained a ton in the morning so we had to postpone tennis, but we played dodgeball and ate at this mexican place called El Caporale. Well hope you had a good Labor day and relaxed, such an oxy-moron, on Labor day we don't Labor at work. Anywhos, I gotta run, talk to ya next week! -Love Elder Bennett!

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