Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Mon, Oct 7, 2013 Pretty crazy that there are only 4 emails left huh? Hmmm, not ready for that, Elder Johnson was just telling me how weird it has been for him to be home, as well as Bloomquist. This has honestly been the busiest, most stressful (not overly though), wild week that I've had in a while. That's cute about the kids making little t-shirts for the arrival, that'll be fun to see. That wrestling picture was waaaaay funny, he was just puttin out smack, like usual and I'm like that's it, and tackled him and we wrestled for a second. He was saying for all these weeks, the last day your here I'm gonna take you down. Well, I could have been safe putting my whole life's fortune on the line with the expectation that I had of you raving about the talk that Holland gave, which by the way, was very needed for our society and for me as well. Russian kidnapping movie sounds interesting. TRANSFERS WERE CRAZY! Eaaaaaarly morning, picked up the Burley 2 Elders, put bike and luggage in the cab, went to Oakley Elders, picked them up, Kelliher and I went in the Malibu, everybody met at Walmart, shufflin around of people cars, drove to Twin, went to the Assistants to shave, had the Transfer meeting, had lunch at Maxies, tried to see A. and J. quick, went to the office, got assignments to get mattresses from this place, took the mattresses to Burley to each apartment that needed it. Picked up the Oakley Elder that was moving took him to Rupert let them finish packing moved their stuff to their new apartment, came back to Burley, moved both sets of the Burley Sisters stuff. Went the White House to get Elder Diaz clothes dropped those off and their bikes. BUSY DAY! Had a District Leaders Counsel with them to prepare them for Zone Meeting, went to Burgers Etc. for a shake afterwards, did more prep for Friday President Curtis came to Zone Meeting, our announcements, planned for 10 minutes, took 40 minutes, President Curtis admits that whenever he comes to a meeting it goes waaay longer than it was supposed to :) Some guy called and needed a huge piano moved . The Bishop in the 1st ward looks like Mitt Romney and is an OBGYN. Our other new area the YSA, we met the Branch President. We have a WML named Morley, that's gonna get confusing... Everyone has been giving us apples and potatoes now, watched conference with R for the Saturday morning session we had awesome cinnamon bun things, we carried buckets of squash down for the Hansens, We watched the Afternoon Session at home downstairs, we couldn't get a hold of any investigators to watch it with for that one. Our investigator almost died because of his illegal drug use and it scared him and he called us and wanted us to help him so we missed a little bit of the Priesthood session. He has a desire but doesn't really do anything about it, it's frustrating. Played a round of pool to help us relax a little bit after all this stress We watched the morning session with Bishop Jeppson, in his scrubs, like delivered a baby a half hour earlier. Watched the afternoon one at Moreys. We went to this member's neighbors house who we are going to be doing service for. He's Russian. Spanish Sisters had a baptism that we went to, k, now, like the coolest story ever. So there was a time, Fair week, that Elder Pyper, Elder Kennedy and I were together and we were trying to contact someone. There was this guy that had headphones on and walked like he was too busy to talk. I had a strong feeling to talk to him. I stopped him and he took his headphones off and listened. I explained that there was a lot of activities held at the church and that he should come and explained a little bit about ourselves. He told me where he lived and I determined that was the Sisters area so I gave him the Sisters number on a mormon.org card. Never thought I would ever see or hear from this guy again. Anyway, so he is at this baptism with the Sisters and comes up to me and is like, "This is the missionary" and I'm like what, and he explained that he was that guy that I stopped and that he is getting baptized this month. WAAAAAAY cool, it like blew my mind. You never know the impact that you can have by just smiling, talking, having conversation with someone. Well there you go, I gotta get going, but have a great week, I love ya, thanks for the letters, packages, love. Talk to, and see you soon! :) Love Elder Bennett

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