Monday, October 7, 2013

Sept 30, 2013 Toned down version of the Russian office..... We've had a lot of correlations and meetings, preparing for transfers, figuring out travel/transportation for the Zone (new responsibility of Zone Leaders) so it has been a lot of logistical things happening all up in here. It's crazy though because I'm doing similar things as to what I was doing over in Novosibirsk Russia in the Office, where you are applying all the time because you say that you can do it, but It doesn't even stress me in the slightest really, maybe a little, but that can be expected and viewed as normal. I feel like I'm am to do everything like a million times better because I've been able to adapt and learn how to manage those variables in life. When we received a sheet and it had everyone leaving, what time they needed to, swapping, etc. I looked at it and had it done in about 5 or 10 minutes, it seems like my learning has been turbo-charged or something like that, I feel very blessed. As you have probably heard from Sister Bench, I am not being transferred, I am remaining as Senior Zone Leader and staying in Burley for my last hoorah. Our area is changing a little bit though. We are losing 3rd and 7th wards to Sister Wright and who she will be training, but keeping Star 1 & 2, and gaining Burley 1st and Burley West YSA; so the work will probably have a different flavor here for a while. Today was fun, the Bishop in Star 2nd has that huge pond that you have seen before and there is a zip-line. Two other missionaries went with us to try it out, my camera card is almost full so I'll send that soon. Then we went to play football, just two-hand touch, with the Zone. We had lunch at Papa Kelseys because we get 50% off there. Now we're here, that's the story of today's P-day besides, tonight, there is a BBQ of a lady that we helped move here in 10 minutes and we'll be heading out that way. So our dinner appointment...... they forgot that they had scheduled to have us over for dinner but we had a really good chat with her at the door. It ended in her giving us two copies of this book called, "7 reasons I left Mormonism". She was like "please just don't trash them" and they said in 2 weeks their family who is staying over will be leaving and their schedule will open up more. The book was about 100 pages, not sure if this was the best approach, but I think the result was positive; I went through it and marked it up like crazy with scriptures, commentary, etc. and gave it back to her. She was like "woah, ok, I'm looking forward to re-reading it with your notes". We are teaching someone at a fellowshippers home in 7th ward She has an interesting story. She is progressing though and agreed to watch conference. We had District meeting in Rupert and ate at this Spanish place called Penny's, it was clear in the heck out in Rupert in this lady's house that was turned into a restaurant; interesting location, good food though. I had exchanges with Johnson for the day and we had some pretty good pool games downstairs at night after planning. We had dinner at Bob Browns, it was some awesome Dutch Oven potatoes. Had our weekly Lunch Buffet @ Morey's, I love that guy. I had exchanges with Elder Wright this time and was in a Spanish area for the day. We had dinner at this house and the kids were hilarious. Also, we met this guy that was saying that he is an angel that fell from heaven and that Jesus is his son and that he is more powerful than anyone and that he has powers. (Admits to smoking weed) Eli Hansen out in Star ward is waaaay cool, it was a fun dinner. We did some planning for Mission Leadership Council. Had MLC, loooooooooooooong meeting, interviews 8, meeting 9-4:30, sooo tired :/ She made rice-crispy chocolate things like Nancy Griffin they were so good. Had our weekly meeting with Bro.Rasmussen, he's awesome, I'll have to keep up with him definitely afterwards. Had dinner at Morey's restaurant on him, it was our missionary-meal, he ate with us. We helped Bishop Seibold, over Star 1, teach the youth about missionary-work, it was a way good opportunity to meet them on a personal level and just see the enthusiasm they have to serve. We had another missionary combined youth thing in the 3rd ward later, a few people were talking about their missions and answering questions the youth had. Taught J. again. Hobsons was dinner, we had like huge slabs of ribs, potatoes, rolls, ice-cream cheese-cake, and it was a way nice house. Well I gotta get headed, love ya muchly! Have a fantastic week and enjoy Conference! :) -Love Elder Bennett

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