Monday, October 7, 2013

September 23, 2013 My fingers are flying, I can't even describe how crazy schedule-wise this day has been. With a trip to the City of Rocks or the Wind-Caves, it takes a chunk away with travel and the actual activity, so we have just been rushin' so much and I feel like a chicken with it's head cut off; so if the message sounds crazy then you'll know the reasoning behind it. That's great that you enjoyed the Penguin and the Cat card. Enjoy the trip to Cali, I'll be doing one of those in the future to see all of these hooligans that I've served with and around, so that should be fun. Actually, I am fine, really never freak out about anything. Well, like I said, things have been crazy so I'll try to give you a quick low down on some occurances of the week before we have to bounce to our lesson.... Firstly, I'd like to say that one of our investigators, R has been smoking for 30 years and said he'd never be able to quit, well he's been 100% clean for like a week now and is progressing so quickly. That truly is a miracle to go from 20+ cigarettes a day for that long and just stop, I'm so proud of him. I got to be on exchanges twice this week, with Elder Mayfield in my area and Elder Kennedy in his, which means I was on a bike, it was fun, but I prefer the truck :) Elder Kelliher took a spill on his bike coming home, that was the picture that I sent. LUCKILY, for whatever reason they had their helmets on. So I went and helped clean his gash, scrapes, and we got him medicine for his massive headache. We ate at some waaaaaaaay awesome member homes this week, the Benches, Knobbes (kids call the boy Cody one Knobbe): where we ate some of the best steak strips in my life. There were 4 baptisms in the Zone this past Saturday so we were rushin' to Rupert, Paul and around Burley, ahhh man Zone-Leader life is wild, but it's fun, I like it. Guess we'll find out soon what/where I am for the LAST transfer. Well, we are going to go have dinner with a Pastor of a different church and his wife. Sorry I wasn't able to give you fun titles or anything, it's just been a busy week, I'll make it up to ya though when we get some more time on our plates. Have a lovely week! -LOVE Elder Bennett

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