Monday, October 7, 2013

Sept 16, 2013 С Днем Рождения! Я надеюсь, у вас есть замечательная неделя! (Basically, Happy Birthday and have a great week) That's good that you were able to help the guy in that motorcycle crash, daaaaaaang, not good for someone that age to be gettin hurt like that. Good to hear he is doin alright. I did get the peachies, I ate the peachies in like 3 sittings, it's been soooo long :) I'm sending your little birthday package today, nothing special but I think you'll like it. There is this waaaay good place that is on a bus, tasty Mexican-food. We like did a way good clean of the house we live in, it wasn't dirty before, but it became spotless. We played Dart-Wars and ofcourse, it's guranteed that you'll get shot in the eye and it reminded me of the part in Rango where someone gets a stick stuck in their eye. We went to the Raquetball club. I drew another portrait of Elder Johnson, it turned out pretty well, I'll have to get a picture to you some day. At District Meeting there was this huge box of Little Debbie stuff from the outlet and we were getting so fat from eating all of them. We helped out with K's drywall again. One of the kids there taught me a few of his moves, I think he does like Kempo or something. We had some delicious Snickerdoodles, ahhh so good. Had a slower start to our day, kind of a little bit of a cold or something, quickly got over it though. We went on splits with Sergio Revenderio. Hmmmm, I gotta get back to you we are going to the City of Rocks today as a group and we gotta head out, have a lovely week Love -Elder Bennett

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