Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Oct 28 2013 Hello, Well Elder Cardon came for the Mission Conference, it was quite spiritual. That is too bad that Shelly is sick, I felt that way last night; like the worst day of my mission. There is this place called Taco Bendito, fooled me once, shame on me, fooled me twice on Friday night (on our way home from the devotional at night) Ughhh, terrible night, I probably got like 1 hour of sleep, my tummy was unpredictable, and I couldn't feel comfortable when I laid down and my back hurt. Thank goodness I am feeling better now, it was just a few hour thing. J was baptized on Friday though, I was smiling ear-to-ear that she asked me to do that. She is a tremendous individual, also something that I did not know, she is fully blind, she doesn't not really give that off when you meet her, amazing that she is so optimistic and happy. Apparently a cousin of theirs wants me to bless their baby next Sunday if the brother doesn't come, never done that before, that'll be interesting if that goes down. Blomquist is coming to a baptism on Saturday and he told them how he is excited to see me. He said that he really wants to come to my homecoming and is wondering the details, could you let him know? Great to hear that Taycie is in the Principals Club, is the requirement giggling all of the time? For P-day we are going to be carving pumpkins. Well the bail-maze was an activity for the YSA Branch and we had permission to go, CJ, like one of our best friends from it, was wrestling Elder Steimle and the phone feel in the straw, heck, what a mess, it was awesome though, we were in the right place at the right time when it gave it's last beep-beep to let you know the battery was dead, so we got it :) J who was an investigator is over in Alaska now, she wrote a way tender note and was crying a lot, she told us we were her first and only friends in Burley for a LONG time, she said she will definitely be involved with the church over there and was going to read the BoM on the plane ride over, so waaaaay good to hear. R and H baptism and marriage is this weekend, it will be lovely, one of my favorite converts, we'll be buddies FOR EVER, they want me to come stay at their place with them sometime and play Mario Kart and watch movies :) We did some painting service for an investigator and they cooked dinner for us, so that is developing. I also got to interview this funny 11 year old girl, for the Hermanas, and that baptism was this weekend as well. I love the letters and the support you all have been giving me, it lights up my week. I'll see ya VERY soon, love you!!! HAPPY HALLOWEEN -Love Elder Bennett P.S. I'm gonna be a missionary this year :)

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