Monday, October 7, 2013

August 12, 2013 Oh man, another week bites the dust I guess, it all goes by so fast. This is Blum's last week so it will probably be a solemn occasion, it'll be sad to see him go. At least he gets to experience the Fair before he leaves though, there aren't too many of those in Northern CA. All of us missionaries were able to get a booth at the Fair and the Stake is really helping us get prepped for that so that we can have a nice, presentable space so that we can receive a lot of referrals at this crazy thing. Apparently there is supposed to be like foot-traffic of about 10-15 thousand people the surrounding towns just like shut down, not sure if that's daily or throughout, but I expect it to be wild. I was able to take some of my experience running that Summit booth with Joclynn and incorporate it into this, such as a drawing, etc. so it should be good. Tell Sue that I'm very grateful for the Chinese New Year envelope and money.Sounds like Jake enjoyed the video from the picture of me on the TV. I was talking to someone and I get a hand on the shoulder and someone whispers in my ear, "Elder Beneficial", and it was that guy, he's waaaaaay cool. Elder Kelliher told him to find me while he was at the homecoming and give a little shoutout. I LOVE President Curtis, he's awesome, we've been really blessed to have him. Had an idea to have a big Zone dodgeball thing and it turned out really good. I've got a sweet video of me doing some impressive moves, I'll have to send you it in the mail sometime soon. We get snowcones for free from two places, also we have free Raquetball which we are going to go try out today, there's a few hook-ups here in Burley. R. one of our investigators had her baptismal interview and passed, I haven't really taught her, it was mainly work from previous missionaries, but her baptism is scheduled for Saturday. We got a new WML, and we are excited to tear it up in the Burley 7th ward with him. So we had this funny idea, there was this squeeky pig, dog-toy at the other Elder's apartment and Pres. Curtis' favorite animal is a pig, so I put it underneath my armpit underneath my suit and when I shook his hand before Zone Conference it was like "won won wonk, weehh" and he thought that was pretty funny. I was on exchanges with Elder Stoddard, a missionary who usually teaches in a spanish area so we were able to take advantage of his ability to speak spanish . Well this boy that we were going to teach is moving out to Pela, but we were able to watch the Restoration with them and teach the first lesson, it went way good. M. if you remember her, was baptized. H. was also was baptized in the other Elders area. Morey, one of our Ward Mission Leaders, owns Morey's Steakhouse and he fed us there when we dropped off our Progress Record, he is SOOO awesome. Like I said, Lance had his Home-coming in the 7th ward, I met Lance's best-friend that served in Moscow and found out that he was Elder Kelly's companion in the MTC, small world. We had dinner with the Stake President and got 7 referrals there, wayyyy good. Finished up the night with Star 1st visits and I was with Bob, I love that guy, you'll have to meet him one day. Anyways, I gotta run, but I love ya all, have a great week! -Love Elder Bennett

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