Wednesday, October 23, 2013

October 14, 2013 Ha, I chuckled to myself when you started out with "Elder Beneficial" it reminds me of my times over in Kimberly when Elder Larsen, Elder Kellliher, and others would call me that. It was better than the alternative, Elder Bidet(like the toilet thing). Ohhhh Elder Ortner, he was a verrrrrrrry kind Elder and was just all around good. I'm lookin forward to watching this Russian movie, sounds interesting. That's great that you were able to get help, when you were sick from Judy when you needed it, I remember those days with your messed up hair to the side days walkin like a zombie around the house. Straw-bail maze As you saw from that picture, we went through the straw-bail maze, had lunch there afterward Disasterous District Meeting, Life-Flight, Out with Morley I forwarded the message from President to you concerning Elder Silver, we went to their District Meeting and Elder King and Elder Silver weren't there and wouldn't answer their phone and we finally got a hold of them and went to the hospital and it was a major sad fiasco. They life-flighted him and everything. We went out with Morley for the first time, he's a wonderful WML Priming the Shed, Archery practice, "Smashing Pumpkins", Malfoy, CJ the crazy German Taxi Driver We did this service with the other Elders Priming this shed, the neighbors, the Burgesses let us borrow some supplies and they had these little bows and we shot them for a second, it was fun. There is a kid in one of the wards that looks exactly like Malfoy from Harry Potter. CJ is a WM and he went out with him, he is hilarious, went to Germany, is a wayy good driver like the Russian taxi drivers. More shed and rocks, Correlation with Morey, Get-well Cards More service, had a meeting with Morey, prepared Get-well cards for Elder Silver, President took a whole box of them from the Zone over there. Disneyland Dinner with the Meers, Taycie doppleganger We had dinner with an awesome family that reminded me of Shelly and Justin's, we talked about Disneyland the whole time because they recently went not that long ago. I as well as a few other missionaries are Disneyland-trunky occasionally. Their little girl was like the spitting personality of Taycie, she got this tiara and stuff for her birthday and was trying not to smile when we told her how cute she was Mini-MTC, A's Baptism, Lunch with Sanchez, Shaw's Wisdom, Amanda YSA lesson We went to this Mini MTC breakfast and fireside thing, way good, wish we had those in our stake growing up, Sanchez took Elder Silvers place, I love that kid, so funny. Well we gotta get goin, I'm sorry about that, but we'll catch up with everything here pretty soon :) I love you all sooooo much, thank you for everything that you have done to help me on this journey of mine. thank you! Love Elder Benett

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