Wednesday, October 23, 2013

October 21st , 2013 Hello once again boys and girls and welcome to my third to last remaining email, thanks for joining.... Yeah crazy to think I could have been home today, glad I'm not I've got a few more things to do here. WONDERFUL news, R is finally getting baptized! He was scheduled to do it on the 16th, but then asked me when I was going home and when I said the 11th, it's now on the 9th :) so I'll be here still. He is going to get married I think on that day or very close to it so that'll be fun to attend as well. As I mentioned in the title, I'm gonna get my white pants wet one more time; J 10 year old girl who had to have a kidney transplant and has been battling that for a while so she wasn't able to be fully taught while I was covering the 3rd ward, called me the other day and said, "Can you baptize me", it made my day. She is soo hilarious and just a cute girl. So that will be this Friday and the confirmation on Sunday. While on exchanges with Elder Mander in Twin, we were moving this big table and furniture for this older lady and she had a box of items that she did not want. In that was this HUGE teddy bear with a bow on it's head and I took it having a feeling that it could be used for something. I've found out now that it would be perfect for Jenna. Sister Morey was able to wash it for me and I'm planning on giving that to her as a little baptismal gift, the Holy Ghost is warm and fuzzy just like that bear :) As you mentioned, also great news with Elder Silver, it truly is miraculous the rate of recovery that he is going at. He is strong-willed and just a good missionary, I know he'll get through it on top. You said, "as you saw in the picture" I sat and looked at that picture of them by that Tree in Vegas and couldn't get the clue you were sending my way, I realized later that the pregnant picture was at the end of the picture which I didn't see until the end. Good for them, one more hooligan runnin' around the house, it'll be fun. Fractured Prune seems fitting to describe your state of being, very spot on actually; especially when you are sick limping around the house with no purpose. Oh my heck, we've all got problems, your bones, Judy's mouth, my neck. I woke up two days ago and like thought my neck was broken couldn't move it at all, like some nerve was busted up and pinched. I got in the shower and had the courage to crack it so the side, it was painful but I got some more mobility. I had it, still not as severe though. Momma Burgess, gave me these little patches that have menthol and aleve that release from them and put them on my neck and shoulder and they seemed to help. That was a FUN project, as you saw me on the 4 wheeler, we cruised over to this little rock-island a little bit from the bank and found these little shrimp things called Crawdad. So one of our Zone Trivia questions was, "What Harry Potter creature is mentioned from Genesis 1-35" the answer was Mandrake and it let to like 3 hours of pillow talk trivia about Harry Potter with Elder Steimle and I. I am impressed with my mind capacity, it's like I had a box put away of all this info and we were both just pullin out out of nowhere. We went to the Temple this week with the Burley District. Well we're heading out to do our thaaaaaaaang. Love you all, see you soon! Elder Bennett

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