Monday, October 7, 2013

August 19, 2013 You wondered who I was with, you probably have seen him in previous pictures, but it's Elder Steimle from San Clemente, California. Anywho, he served in the other part of Kimberly while I was with Elder Kofoed and Elder VanZalinge. We picked him up at 6:15, ughhh, what an ugly morning for all of us at the transfer spot in Walmart parking lot. I am going to miss Elder Pyper sooooo much, he is a great friend, (going to Twin Falls), at least Elder Kennedy is staying, we were literally the Three Amigos, better even. Elder Kelliher and Elder Mayfield are coming my way so that will be way fun. There are a lot of changes and new areas, it's crazy to see the growth. We have 3 new ones as of now and a ton of missionaries coming in this week to be trained. We're a fairly Green Zone you might say, but they are doing an amazing job. Also, could you let Kyle and the Family know how grateful I am for the copy of Jesus the Christ that he gave me at my farewell, I LOVE that book, it is so informative and just racks my brain with knowledge every time, Talmage is a sly one. Oh my goodness, the Fair was a good time. Every one in Idaho, central Utah, and who knows where else and their dog was there. Fun times for sure. We, The Fantastic Four (Blum, Pyps, Kennedy) went to this Raquetball place that we get for free and played, it was way fun. Also played kickball in the gym in that huge group. We ran the Unity food booth with the four of us, it was like we had a little Cafe thing. I got to shave a shoulder of this sheep. This was a scary day, B. the one in Star ward that I love and always go on visits with, his son was extremely injured from this steer at the fair. We got a call from Bro. Morey and he was like, where are you, can you come to the emergency room. So we did and the boy couldn't even breath really, 7 broken ribs, brusing on the lung. He slipped on something and the cow stepped right on the center off his back. We gave him a blessing though and it was a way powerful moment where the Spirit and the Priesthood was present. We also got a call that the Oakley Elders were hit by a Semi, wow, lucky. They signalled late and they were going the same way. Glad that they are not hurt. R. is doin' great, I love that guy, he'll be baptized her soon. We taught him about the reasons we have commandments and shared a video on Mormon Messages called "Stay in the Lines" its a good one, watch it. We met President at a gas station off of the freeway and got the new area books for the 3 new places opening up, it's awesome to see all this growth. We met this solid guy who, as always is going to Sister Wright and Sister Dodds area, every time, I've given them like 5 Golden referralls this week. We helped Morey with stapling his new wood floor, that gun that you hit with a mallet is crazy. Blum had his Last Supper. As missionaries we have a lot of those. Blum was packing for awhile, sad to see him go. Met an investigator that LOVES video games and wants to be baptized. Blum is gone :( We got to go in Morey's Steakhouse kitchen. He cooked us up some butterfly shrimp. Elder Pyper took on the Pap Kelseys Scorpion pepper sandwhich challenge. There is this major hive by where we park and I was sick of it and got this piece of wood and stabbed a few while they were gathered and one filtered in on me and got caught in my hair and stung me like 5 times on my head. I planned revenge the whole day and we torched a group of 'em out with some fire and lube spray. Now I have this bump behind my ear and I asked this ward member who is a doctor how much time I have left and he said it should just be a swollen lymph node fighting bacteria and infection and will go down soon. We were at this Birthday Party and I had this Smurf doll and was making this 3 year old girl laugh and the other Elders after were like, Bennett, you're too happy/funny, you're makin us look bad. We went to the YSA branch and H. got the Priesthood and I got to stand in on that. Well we're goin so you guys have a great week!!! -Love Elder Bennett

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