Monday, July 30, 2012

Sent: Monday, July 30, 2012 4:57 PM Subject: Parked Cars & Coconut Bars Parked Cars = Funny story I'll explain in a second and Coconut Bars = I dunno, just because we had them last night at dinner and it made the phrase rhyme. Anyway, so Elder Hardy and I were going to a dinner appointment and we didn't want to go into the wrong sub-division, so I asked him if I could see his GPS (a few missionaries buy them to make finding easier, I wouldn't need one, I'm pretty good with a map, we just didn't have the luxury of time) and I was just quickly entering in the address and when I look up I see the back of a grey Honda Civic and it totally owned me. My front tire hit the bumper and I bounced of the bike and then it fell on me, quite a site to see, we were laughing pretty hard. Nothing serious happened to the car, just some dirt/scuff from the tire, I went up to the door and explained everything to the owner, he was way cool about it and not mad, just wanted to know if I was OK. I offered him 5 bucks to get it washed because I felt bad and he wouldn't take it, but like I said, it wasn't a big deal. It was just a little bit tiny awkward because we were heading outside of the house and got our bikes yesterday and the same guy was taking a jog (probably like a half of a mile away from the house) ran by the Christensen's. I'm so happy this transfer though, Elder Hardy and I are good friends and we are always laughing . I met this Russian guy today while we were all playing Ultimate Frisbee. He was mowing the grass on a riding-lawn-mower by us on the high school grass and once he found out that I spoke Russian he told me to sit in the seat next to him and we rode around for a second while we talked. Brother Walker,asked us to teach Gospel Essentials in the Hunter ward this last Sunday. VERY busy day that was. We also gave two talks in two different sacraments meetings with all different topics. The work is going great, our highest number of meetings was "Member-Present" ones once again, which is optimal, a lot of investigators are getting closer and attending church. Let everyone know I love 'em, and this mission, I am so happy to be here! I'm so glad that Heavenly Father has given me another opportunity to serve; where I feel like I'm making a difference and becoming a refined missionary and priesthood holder. Thank you for all that you do, talk to you next week!!! :) - Love your Mango-Peach (drinking that right now) loving son, Elder Bennett

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