Monday, July 16, 2012

Subject: It was like Christmas Morning! So one of our families came to church!!!! I was so happy to see them! They came a little less than half-way through so it didn't seem like they were going to come, we were in the hall at the same time, it was great. I gave (the dad) that little ocarina . He said, "What's this" (probably joking, he just says funny stuff) and I said, "An ocarina", he was like, "What's an ocarina?!" I guess you just would have had to be there, he is just hilarious all the time, anything he says is funny. I've met two different Russian families in this last week. One was on companionship exchanges with Elder Bailey in his area.. He showed us his 100 gram tupperware container of caviar that cost him $100. He said he would join the church if we were able to get him more,. Great guy though, it was fun to talk to him. The other was closer to home in the same area that we live , and he was nice, but not really interested in our message or us coming over to teach, but he said we could drop by., but one of the people that has been working a little on the temple was able to give us a piece of left-over tile, which is sweet, I don't wanna send that one, kinda too heavy and would be expensive. For P-day a couple of us went to Jump-time, it's a place like Anti-gravity in St. George, it was a fun time. Well gotta run, Love you all, Peace N Blessins..... -Elder Bennett

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