Monday, July 2, 2012

Tuesday, June 26, . The title is officially, "I LOVE THIS MISSION!!!!" There is no exaggeration in that, even with the caps. My experience here has been simply amazing! I have met so many great members and people here, I sort of feel like Ammon when he goes on a mission to teach the Lamanites and king Lamoni, read Alma 17:23, he pretty much says I could serve here forever until the day I die basically. That's how I feel about this mission, President Cannon is soooooo cool! Sister Cannon is like one of the kindest ladies I have met, and the missionaries are way cool as well. I am serving with Elder Rogers right now in the Meridian 2 area. He is from Springerville, Arizona and then moved to Phoenix, so he's a Lizard as well. We work really well together, we've both been "shot-gunned" into the area so it's been kind of crazy to build a teaching-pool and work through some of the struggles that come along with that, but we've had a lot of success. . Anyways, things are truly great. I'm loving every minute of it. When I arrived at the airport, there was President & Sister Cannon just as happy and excited as can be. He took a group of us to Cafe Rio, his favorite place to eat, before we left for our areas. We live at the Christensen's home on the upper floor. It's a pretty big house and the Christensens are great, it seems like I've know him before. . Everything is SO different! We have meals provided every night from the members (there's a sign up) and it's always delicious. I feel so spoiled! Also the fact that we went to Wal-Mart to get some items and groceries is so crazy to me! It's such a posh (is that a word) experience from what I was used to. We went to 8 hours of church yesterday, it goes by faster than you would think, but kinda insane when you first hear it. . My district is really fun, and that Sister missionary from New Zealand, the one you saw the blog of, is in my district. Elder and Sister McMullin are the Senior Couple and it's way awesome to have them in our district.. I forgot to mention that at church I chatted with Brother Staheli,, who served in Ukraine. We shot the breeze in Russian for a bit, it was cool he seemed really comfortable still with speaking it. Also, Elder Rogers was telling me that there is a Russian family across the street from the park so I'll have to go place the KHNGA MORMONA (sorry don't have a Russian Keyboard) over there. I've been told that there are a lot of refugees here too. I feel so more "on top of the ball" here. The Ward missionaries are so fantastic to work with, they've got a lot of fire and want us to request help from them and really use them in the work. Missionary work always is best with the constant help of the members, we can't do it by ourselves. It's like we've got our own taxi-system here! Random people all the time pull up to us and ask, "Do you need a ride somewhere?" There is a Samoan member that we met his last name is fun to say, Tooi - oloo - sayynga. He says one of these days that he is going to roast us a pig and cook us Samoan pancakes., SOOOO many interesting people I'm meeting, I love 'em! We're going to have Zone Conference this week, so that's exciting, I'll let you know how it goes, tell President Topham, the Bishop and the rest of the ward know I love them and am loving the mission.... Well, we are going to the Robert's (Relief Society Pres.) home for Family Night to share the message of the Restoration and help them to know how to share it with their close friends and family. A thing members have wanted is to know how to use Preach My Gospel and how to share the Gospel with their friends, so we're coming up with innovative ways to do that. I love you, thank you for the emails, I love you so much, thank you for your examples, love, and service that you have given to me to help me get to this point. Have a wonderful 4th and we'll talk to ya soon!!! - Elder Bennett :)

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