Monday, July 2, 2012

Monday, July 2, 2012 4:24 PM So remember Eric Tuiolosenga that is like my best friend who's going to cook us a pig, after we helped him move (pretty much all of Saturday dedicated to it) he was kind enough to take us to this Japanese Restaurant that he goes to all the time. It was REALLY good, I ordered a Terriyaki-Beef bowl or something to that effect. I also tried octopus, which I thought would never happen in my life. I'm so sorry about what I said in the last letter, I shouldn't have said that about my companion, even if it is true sometimes. Things are getting better and he is less that way, we're becoming better friends everyday. We got to bear our testimonies twice yesterday, such amazing wards here in the mission. I can't even begin to describe how much the Lord's timing is blowing my mind!!!! It is so crazy how everything just falls into place and He places people in our paths at the EXACT right moment. We were riding home one night and it was getting close to 9:00 when all of a sudden I started slowing down and my back tire felt funny. The Infamous Goat-head thorn. So with a flat, we had to start walking and it was going to take us quite a while from where we were at to get home. If you are familiar with the old '90's T.V. show "The Magic School Bus", or I guess the books as well, this will make sense. I said, "Ugghhh, I wish we had some 'Spirit School Bus' to pick us up right now..." low and behold, literally 5 seconds later a van stopped on the side of the road and asked us if we needed a ride, like I said this stuff is blowing my mind! Another time, we were going to go home for lunch, but a feeling came to me to go to a house and try one more time. So we rode our bikes a ways and knocked again, still not home, as we were walking to our bikes, their van came around the corner and we were able to talk to them. We had exchanges this last week, I was with Elder Foley, one of our Zone leaders. He's from Missouri so he knows all about the City Museum, the Zoo, etc. He's way cool and we had a good time serving with each other Brother Norton fed us dinner that night, he reminded me a lot of Gil Merrit. Tell him it was so fun to have him as a leader, he was the best, the whole time we were eating and I heard him talk and just his all-around personality, I was like "Owwww, you remind me of Gil :(, I miss that guy". There was a "Best Smelling Car" award that Elder Foley and Elder Harrell won, it's probably because I was on splits with him the day before and they could smell my Hollister cologne... :) President Cannon is so kind and just a great friend. I've finally put a finger on it, Sister Cannon reminds me (personality wise) of Heidi Griffin, she is way nice and just easy to talk to. Oh yeah, President Cannon also gave me a Boise, Idaho mission pin that I can wear with my suit, I'll wear it with pride, really, I'm so happy to be here. There have been a few Elders that run into Russians here. Two kids opened the door and Elder Rogers said, "This is the one" So I got ready to just rattle off Russian when I saw the dad come to the door. When I saw him, that's what I did. He looked at us like we were crazy and said, "Uhhh, I have no idea what you're saying is that like Greek?" I told them the situation and they were like Ohhhhhh they live over there two houses down :) After Zone Conference, a member gave us a ride and it turns out that he is Brock Peterson's (Served in the Novosibirsk mission at the same time or close to me) Grandpa. He took us to 5-Guys. I feel so spoiled, We had dinner last night with the Christensen's who we live with, I ate some of the best rolls I've ever had in my life!. I love you guys. Talk to you soon, Love you!!! :) - Elder Bennett

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