Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2012 11:56 AM Subject: The St.G Crew It's so great to be able to run into all these great missionaries who are from St.G that I can see after the mission. Elder Guzman is hilarious and from Ivins, he's serving in a different District, but the same Zone so I see him quite often especially on P-days. Elder Hardy is great too, I'm really happy to have him as my companion, we'll have a great transfer together. He comes from the Slick Rock ward if you are able to see his parents sometime. He actually knows Elder Terry (from St.George) in Russia that I knew, they played baseball together. It's a small world isn't it? I did hear about that shooting at the Batman Premiere, that is crazy. That act affected hundreds of people and families. All of these things are prophesied in the scriptures though, more crazy times are ahead I'm sure, that's why it's so important to be grounded in the Gospel and be close to your family including your Heavenly/Spiritual, ward, and neighbors. We are teaching a pretty good amount though, we had 7 lessons last week with a member present and 6 Others, meaning to an investigator without a member there, and 5 Less-Active lessons so 17 total, so things are going great. We played some basketball at this YMCA place with a few other missionaries, it was fun, I still got the moves. I had some nice shots and it was fun to have some physical activity. I love you all vuuurry, vuuury, much. I hope you have a great week. Elder Bennett

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