Monday, July 9, 2012

This is a condensed version of Elder Bennetts letter TO: • vicki bennett Monday, July 9, 2012 1:41 PM Hope everyone had an eventful 4th, it was a great one for us; except for the whole not being able to sleep until 2:00 in the morning because rainbow-colored lights were bouncing off the ceiling and booming cannon noises. We were on pancake duty for the Sundance ward 4th breakfast, it was fun. I was in charge of going by the grills with a metal pan and getting the pancakes and transferring them over to the serving table. There was a big turn out and we ended up serving like 100000 people. Ok that might be an exaggeration, but that number would be pretty close to the actual number of miles I have ridden on my bike, my thighs on fire!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh just to clarify, It sounded like in one of your letters that you thought that I was over one ward, not the case, we manage five of them. Meridian 2, Sundance, Hunter, Settler's Bridge, and Cottonwood Park. So sometimes it's crazy to figure out which one's to work with and which people to meet, but I love it, things are going really good. Apparently I missed a good Sunday though, it was the week before I came. President Piper in the 70 who served as a mission president in Moscow I think was here, that would have been cool to talk to him. There was a kid in Elder's Quorum that went to Czech Republic and we were able to understand each other a little bit, some small similarities in the languages. I ran into those Russian kids on the 4th riding home, they were going to swim so we didn't have a lot of time to talk , but they understood me and it was neat to finally talk to them. (talked to a family about the role of the Book of Mormon and the importance of believing in Jesus Christ, and some of our investigators were even at church. We've been having great food, I've had smoked Salmon twice this week, I'm in heaven! It might sound like a generic statement, but the potatoes here REALLY are so much better, the mashed potatoes are amazing. Well I think we're gonna head out to go have some P-day fun. I love you all, try to stay cool, long-sleeve shirts do the trick, they actually keep you cooler come to find out. Have a wonderful week! -Love Elder Bennett :) :) :)

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