Friday, January 4, 2013

Dec 24th 2012 Dont put it under a Bushel MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYBODY! It'll be way cool to see you guys tomorrow afternoon, looking forward to it. I didn't mention that Zone Christmas Gathering Talent show (meaning of the title) that we were involved in. Previously, we planned on doing a little skit as a Zone, but with like little to no practice, we did not want to brand ourselves as weird, so we kind of had a spur of the moment change. Elders Dearborn, Thomas, Reed (Not the one I served with), Dabel, and Heninger(Ohhhh, so funny, I want to serve with him, we get along just great) did a sort of whose line is it anyway improv skit on tracting into different characters and the missionaries being different people as well, impersonations acted out... (Obama, Elmo, Brigham Young, Prospector, Joker, Yoda, Batman, Jar Jar, The Emperor) Also, I did a hand-stand while saying "Your Purpose" in Russian and Elder Thomas and I played a Duet of "Heart and Soul" and that Jazzy tune that Jared learned in Korea on the piano. I've got it filmed so I'll just send the SD card soon. We STILL don't have our car, they said before Christmas and now they say by Friday, don't know if we're going there again, it took soooo long and everybody said that it's been faster through other providers. I sent off like 10 or so of those Thank you Christmas letters to people, Judy's gift card for Wendy's came like the day after so I didn't get one out to her yet, let her know I'm grateful and I'll send one. The sweater party looks like a big success. Mike's art is good, but I'm just not a fan, it is a shark ya know... :) That's crazy to hear about the freezing cold weather in Russia. I'm so thankful to be where I am spiritually today, we taught an investigator last night who is a recovering meth addict and is going through some depression, etc. and I was able to share my testimony on the Lord's timing, the power of the Atonement and prayer, that Heavenly is always totally aware of us and loves us. It seems like they were touched, they attended sacrament meeting and we sat with them so it was great. That's too bad that the Hobbit didn't work out for you, it is kind of interesting that they are spreading it out into 3 sections, kind of like the last Harry Potter movie, but I guess that way you get the whole experience without leaving anything out in the books, cool that Mike liked it. Jolee has been at the house lately, I'm not sure what type of dog it is, it looks like a fat poodle but isn't, but I love her, I took some video of her jumping around waving her hands in the air. I had the idea of having a massive White Elephant exchange, so I made it known to the Zone and we are doing that after emailing as well as doing challenges involving those dang jelly-beans, and other activities. The baptism was amazing, she is such a great example to everyone of her love for the Gospel. I sent some pics of it your way. Not sure what's gonna happen with transfers, I think I'm out of this area, but we'll find out on Jan 7th. Hope you are all loving the Holidays and each other's company. I love ya all to pieces, peace and blessins, peace n blessins. - Love Elder Bennett

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