Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Never a Dull Moment in the IBM January 14, 2013 It really surprises me how many crazy things happen on your mission, even being state-side, it's wild! I even forget where I am sometimes because some of the random stuff that happens everyday. It's like Justin said in his letter about being called to a different area how you get to know how big the world is and feeling just like a tiny person compared to the grandeur of the land mass of the earth. Since you have requested that I give ya the low-down on each day like a journal-entry, I guess I can do that, but first, let me answer and comment on some of those questions that you had. Yes, me and Elder Razo get along just dandy, we are REALLY good friends and have a ton of the same interests, like two peas in a pod. It is soooo weird how he so much reminds me of Jake Jorgensen, like really, but he is less shy and silent as Jake is. The wordage that he uses, the way he laughs, his demeanor, it's suuuuper weird how similar, but I like it because both of them are way awesome people that I click with very well. It was kinda funny, last night after prayers were said and lights were out, we were both in bed and everyday we just chat away until one of us falls asleep. We're actually doing a way cool exchange of languages thing, since he wants to learn more Russian (He took it in College) and I want to learn Spanish (he's spoken it all his life) we are both learning 5 words a day from each other, so that would be cool If I could say a few things to Tim when I get back :) It is way fun to have the four of us hooligans livin' in this place, It just bonds more missionaries together and creates long-lasting friendships, so I don't mind having more in a house. Nice to hear about the whole Mission Family Gathering that happened, Momma Adams is pretty legit, I hope you sent my regards. To get here we drove with the APs in their truck to like Caldwell and then went with the Zone Leaders from there to Ontario and then from Ontario to La Grande with just us two. Anywho, we gotta leave soon, so here's some of the week... Ceramics and Yo-Yos: Rebuking, Leather, Koran: Team-teaching with the Mayor: Haulin' Hay, Breakin' Walls, and Board Games: Parrots, Spiderman, and Roast beef Enchilladas: So that picture that you got of me and 3 other people against a church wall. Sooo, the other missionaries in the house have an older couple who served in Novosibirsk as a Senior Couple, didn't know that until later, well apparently there was this Russian over there at their house and I said I wanted to talk to him on the phone. His name is Mark ILLavionov from Kazan, Russia who served under President Trejo in Novosibirsk a couple years ago. He was waaaay happy to meet me and the other two people in the picture were also missionaries that served in that mission, so it was an Alumni pic I guess. He told the other missionaries that he was so grateful that they let him meet me and said that I spoke way good Russian for someone who had only been there a few months, compliments are always nice :) Small world isn't it. Driving last night we saw HUGE groups of buck/deer crossing the road, it was creepy, it was like I was in I AM LEGEND. Hey we have to leave the Family History center right now, so I'll have to write ya about the other ones, have a wonderful week! - Elder Bennett

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