Friday, January 4, 2013

"I'm a Psychic" Dec 31, 2012 I'm known lately for being quite the guesser of ages. The Burmese revered me as like a seer or revelator, something like that. I hadn't met any of them until that day and I guessed like 6 people's ages like spot on in a row, they were cheering and it was loud, fun night. There was this big gathering at one of their apartments and like 30 people were packed up in there and we were invited to join them. It was like a bowl of chow mein stuff with spicy chicken, tofu, bean sprouts, peppers, etc. pretty good, most of them have worked at restaurants before so they don't really disappoint. Speaking of disappointment though, for the time being, we lost the Burmese side of 2nd ward while Sister Phyu is serving here, we had baptisms lined up :( But things are fine, we'll get through it. We did set a date last night and are planning on setting one at our appointment tonight, so we're trying to stay busy. Also the whole car situation, kinda stinks, they gave false promises and we should get it on Wednesday, sooooo I have no idea, we've basically gone a whole transfer with me as the District Leader lacking a car. I'm glad though, suprisingly enough, it has snowed a lot lately and maybe something worse would have happened. Heavenly Father has definitely been looking out for us. Everybody is moving, Jon is moving to Boise this Tuesday and our most recent convert, is moving like today because it has been unconvenient for her husband, to drive to Boise continually, so they're going there, maybe I will follow all of them, who knows, Elder Dearborn and I have made a few guesses at what will happen, but like I said, we're usually wrong. One will go and one will stay, we're like 90% sure, President told me that when he called about the whole Burmese transferral thing. It was good to see all of ya on Skype, it was not what I expected though, it seemed like everybody was just staring and not much was being said, but it was good I guess. Also the technically difficulties part of everything we do in love, was expected, and not fun. I wear the sweater all the time, it's fine, I like it a lot. The book, it was a nice thought, but I'm just way busy at studying PMG, Teachings of Joseph Smith, and going through the New Testament right now. That picture I sent of that girl, she's Russian, from an area close to the Black Sea. Lived a hard life, her mom died when she was young as well as three of her siblings. She studied in Moscow and there was a Professor here that knew one there and she was referred here to go to school in Idaho Falls. They drove her by the temple and showed her that which she liked. I was able to have conversation with her and I told her that I was sorry for being rusty at it and she replied that "I good speak, not to worry" which means. "I speak good" :) So that was cool. David and Lorri from Summit, love those two, I hope I can maybe work with them again someday.... Well that's really all I have, hope that all of you have a wondeful week, and a happy new year - Love Elder Bennett

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