Thursday, January 10, 2013

Goin to Oregon Jan 8th 2013 From Alex Bennett Yeah it was a pretty LONG day yesterday, mainly driving. I had to have my stuff at the transfer spot at 11:30 so they could pack it all up, they drove to Rupert and a few other places to drop off other missionaries and picked our crew up at like 1:45, so a lot of waiting, but it was good to have some final moments with ol' Dearborn before I left. His new companion is Elder Larsen, personality wise, he is a clone of John Mayhew it's soooo weird. He is allergic to cats though, so Bob is going to present a problem, so I don't know what the situation is looking like right now, either an ET (Emergency Transfer) or change of living. I was riding in a car from 1:45 until 9:00 pm basically, there was a quick pit-stop at the Mission Office but then we headed out again. My new companion is Elder Razo, he's waaaay cool, I'm glad to be serving with him. We have a ton of the same interests, he even took Russian. He was born in San Diego but is from Mexico really, so he is able to speak Spanish. He also dabbles in French and Italian, which his name is. I think we'll have a lot of success, he's really hard-working and a great Elder. We live in this house that is two stories with two other Elders, Elder Bloomfield, probably one of the funniest people I know, he's Poly, and his companion is Elder McFarland.It's a pretty nice place and there is a lot of room to put things, like a million closets and cupboards. Since we have such a big area to cover,we have a car, take a guess.. The same Subi that we had in Twin, the Impreza, same color as well, the other Elders have a white one which looks pretty cool as well. I'm serving as a District Leader again here so I'm looking forward to meeting the other two Elders in the District (Elder Poplin and Elder Hong (from Singapore). There is a lot of snow here, and people say it's really cold, but I haven't felt it too bad yet. There is luckily a Wal-Mart here, we get free Subway once a week, which we had today. My bike is in Boise in the APs garage, usually where they go if you don't need them. It seems like a cool place though, I just wish it was summer because there are a lot of trees and streets that look up-state New Yorkish. That's fun that the whole fam got to be there for the holiday festivities, hope you had a Big Time. (as Clair would say). Momma Truscott was having a hard time when I left, she's an awesome lady. Well I guess we better get goin, this computer at the library won't let me send pictures so I'll get those to ya next week. Love ya - Elder Bennett

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