Monday, January 28, 2013

Apostles, Opera House, and Snow Banks Jan 28 2013 Wow, let me tell ya, when it rains, it pours... There has been soooo many crazy things lately. A few hours after I emailed last week, there was another interesting event that I'll mention in my little detailed day entries. Happy Birthday TY!!!!!!!! I can't believe he is getting so old, he'll be like a Melchezidek Priesthood holder by the time I get home. Isn't that cool that those Apostles are coming to the mission this weekend, way stoked for that. It is confirmed,the guy in Twin Falls who we were working with was baptized last week. You're right, President Cannon is wonderful, he is honestly one of the most loving, patient, understanding men that I have ever met, I'm so blessed to be under his stewardship. It has been snowing a little bit lately but melting like a few hours later, lots of wind sometimes, worse than Hurricane, Utah which is saying something. Ok so here's the Journal titles.... On Second Thought, Worst P-day ever: Ok so we're innocently going to go to Morgan Lake to take a picture by it, popular thing to do, on the way there's like houses/cabins so it's somewhat residential, not all the way up in the mountains. Anyway so we get up this hill and go a little bit down.. one of the other Elder's who's driving notices that we are sliding a little bit and it's a dead end, couldn't stop all the way so his choice was hit into a metal gate of a ranch or a snow bank, he chose the snow bank, so another car accident. The bank had like rocks in it so it kinda jacked up the car a little bit. He is probably going to lose his privileges because it was over $1500, apparently they are trying to raise that because it doesn't take anything to make that much damage. I love the fellowship that we have going, fun group of Elders so I hope we can all stay together for awhile. Interviews in Baker City and Burger Bob's: Interviews with President Cannon, love that guy. There's a place in Baker that missionaries eat for free at. Opera House Cleaning, There's an Opera House in Elgin that members work at a lot, Grease is coming soon as well as Shrek, apparently they are like Broadway quality according to reviews and stuff. It was fun to clean it and go in all the secret places there. So there's this mattress on the floor and we were just bouncing a little bit on it and it was in this nook hallway and this door frame thing was above my head and I hit it hard, hurt waaaaaay bad, reminds me of the time Jared chased me into a airport desk corner, I've got a little goose egg and possibly brain-damage, who knows :/ , not fun to hit your head Well gotta go, love you all tons, - Elder Bennett ;)

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