Monday, February 4, 2013

Feb 4th 2013 So, I am with Elder Lehmuller and Elder McFarlane in a Tri-panionship for the next two weeks until Transfers since my comp returned home this morning. So this Tuesday I went on Exchanges with Elder Ang. As a District Leader I try to exchange with every member of the District throughout the transfer. I love Elder Ang he is sooooooo funny and awesome. He basically had me laughing the whole night while we were together. Hilarious guy, so glad I was able to spend that time with him. He teaches in Chinese proverbs sometimes and is super intelligent. Before he came out he had his own business and drove a BMW. Wednesday was unfortunately the last "teaching" day that I was able to have with Elder Razo, I loooooooooooove that kid, it's going to be so different without him. But I'm soooo grateful that I was able to serve with him. On that day we had an amazing meeting with the Bishop in Elgin, his counselors, the WML, and a WM, they are so missionary-minded over there and really understand how to work. I also found out that a Corvette that I want that I saw in a magazine is $130,000, so if we as a family could just start saving for awhile I'd really appreciate it. Since the Mission Conference was on Saturday, we stayed with the Meridian ZLs in Kuna for a couple days, I went with Elder Bailey for the time that we were there. We went to this Mexican place in Kuna that was way popular and Elder Razo, who was trying to be vegetarian succumbed because he was in his own little heaven. I accidently ate cow tongue, kinda chewy. Some mysterious person paid for our meal. Had a great meeting with Elder Ballard and Elder Christofferson, it was funny, Elder Christofferson said that if Peter lived in our days with all of the technology, communications, he would say, "You wimps! If I were in your place I would have converted the whole world in 10 months!" He really has a sense of humor, I like him as a speaker a lot. Fun fact, there was a short Q&A section of it at the end and I was able to ask the last question: Ok, say we had a time-machine, what would you both do differently on your missions? Elder Ballard: Be more focused and on target. Elder Christofferson: Use the Book of Mormon more. So there ya have it, I directly talked to Apostles of God, pretty cool stuff :) I didn't think I was going to be able to because there was a TON of people. There was a HUGE group of missionaries that went to Tucanos after, us included. Way fun, ate like a pig. So I accidently gave the lady the gas card for the car, so when she came back she asked like the group of 30 missionaries, I couldn't run this it asked for a vehicle number and odometer, so the whole group was roaring in laughter, dang something to watch out for :) The other Elders have an investigator and I probably had one of the most spiritual lessons on my mission there. She was very emotional and couldn't help but cry and the Spirit was really working on her. Have a lovely week and remember that Jesus loves you -Love Elder Bennett

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