Monday, February 18, 2013

Feb 18, 2013 I hope that there is room in the Inn tonight. I'm going to be training again. I'm in Boise right now waiting to go to the Trainer's meeting and dinner with President Cannon at 5:30 or so tonight. Guess what time I had to wake up this morning..... 3:30!!!!! Ohhhhh Nooooo, that's gonna ruin my beauty rest, just kiddin' yall know that.. I rode up to Baker with Elders MacFarlane and Lehmuller and then from Baker to Ontario with Elders Ang and Poplin AND THEN to Boise in a whole van of Elders. I got to see Elder Hardy a little while ago, he's STILL in Meridian, he's goin on 9 months! He's playing basketball at the Mission Office gym right now, Elder Miles, served around him in Meridian, we are at the Family History Center in Boise at this VERY moment emailing, makes sense though right since I'm typing a letter and all.... That's cool that Elder and Sister Webb get to serve in that regard, good for them for choosing to do so, that'll be a great experience for them, I've heard from many people, Sister Olga in the Office included, St.Petersburg is a pretty location and really nice. Awesome to hear from 'Ol Clair again, I forgot he called you Victoria. Well, I guess I'm going to go do something with my life, that is, go and get something to eat today, Today's Diet: Single Reeses and an Oatmeal Cookie, Well, I'll let ya know how things are with the new companion, love you all, talk to ya soon! Oh forgot to mention, so I'll get back to La Grande later on Wednesday and it just turns out that there is a Zone Conference in Caldwell, basically Boise, on Friday, I'm going to have to make that trip like three more times now :( , have a great day! - Love Elder Bennett

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