Monday, January 21, 2013

January 21, 2013 It kinda sounds like not too much is going on your way. Oh yeah, I found some pretty interesting stuff in my New Testament studies.... Remember how you would always say that whole "Sky at night Sailor's Delight" stuff, well it's like scripturally mentioned, look at Matthew 16:1-4. I've noticed how bold Jesus can be, it's awesome. Well the last time that I talked to Elder Dearborn, one of our investigators was going to be baptized this last Saturday so that's too bad that I wasn't able to attend and Elder Dearborn doesn't have like a Digital camera so I'm not sure If I'm gonna get pics of it anytime soon... Missionaries have been working with him for a long time and we finally got down to business and taught with a member and he was really committed and received a calling to work with the Venture scouts so he was really excited to do that, hope all is well with him. So long story short, once a month we go to Enterprise which is like an hour and 45 minutes away to do work there. Well, this is like a long email, so I hope you like it, there's just too much that happens in a week to do in the allotted time that we have. Wolly-Necked kids is something that an old member said that I'll keep with me, probably use sometime in my life :) Well gotta go, have a great week! - Elder Bennett :)

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