Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Dec 17, 2012 Well my stories for this week aren't as good as Jared's or Shelly's, but I've got a "couple few" as the Idohoans would say, Interesting things that happened this week, I ate a habenero pepper, I was the only one at dinner that would eat one, it wasn't as bad as I thought. I lost my voice a little while ago from being on a bike in the pollution/cold weather, but it's back now thanks to Priesthood blessing, lemon/honey herbal tea, prayers, and time. Let Jared and Kista know that I am very grateful for the Subway gift card and the letter as well as the card and money from her Grandma Lewis and Lana. That stinks that they had to go through that fire thing, especially now with Christmas, shopping, etc. hope things go well for them, not fun. Also a terrible situation with the Conneticut shooter guy, that's weird, but everyone is flipping their lid it seems like. We have a baptism this Saturday, she is one of the most Golden investigators that I have ever seen, soooo ready, I'd be able to come in a year and see them be sealed, that'd be fun. Another person we are teaching, came to an LDS service for the first time yesterday. We had a Leadership Training meeting this week, it was great to see President and receive counsel from him. We saw this one Mormon Message about a kid in Canada that was driving in extreme conditions and they got hit by a Semi and one friend died and the other was in a coma for a month, but the driver walked away with just a few bruises. So it's his story of how he has been able to cope with the powers of the Atonement and how Christ has helped him. This kid is a friend of our new AP Elder and it happened on his (AP) birthday 4 years ago, his birthday was the day of the training so he was having a hard time. I went on Exchanges with one of the Zone Leaders Elder Rudd for a day. I've got some finger-wounds from making one of those Christmas displays for the Stake Christmas Program, cause: Exacto Knife. We should be getting our car back probably sometime this week or the beginning of next, they said before Christmas. Brother LaMarche has offered to have us over for Christmas Dinner and he has 3 computers that we can use to Skype, so that's where I'll be doing it, what is the Skype info that I need to do it with you guys? Putting stuff away at the Christmas thing we got to go to the roof and see all the interior stuff in the celing it was crazy, have a video of it. Forgive and Forget, I've learned a lot of that here. Things happen with members, investigators, we all get offended so easily, we need to look at things with a more Russian (hard to offend, always bold) or Eternal perspective. Being on a mission teaches you patience. It's helped me better appreciate the patience that Heavenly Father has with us, he has A LOT, more than we can comprehend. Well I think I forgot to tell you about the Mission Christmas Gathering happening tomorrow from 3pm-8pm. It's a talent show, dinner, and Christmas devotional. My talent is going to be hand-standing while saying "Your Purpose" in Russian, playing a piano duet of two songs with Elder Thomas, and we have a little Lord of the Rings skit that our zone is doing, it should be pretty fun. Anyway, I guess I'll see ya next week, hologram edition :) - Love Elder Bennett

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