Friday, December 14, 2012

December 3, 2012 Way good week!! whewww three more baptisms! Box of Pop-tarts, Three dollars, a new tie at the D.I., One Dollar, a "White Christmas"(meaning your investigators in white), priceless. We have been so blessed with all of the work and success in this area. We have a lot of help from the Ward Mission Leaders as well as the members especially right now considering the circumstances of us hoofin' it without a car. The weather is fine, it has been kind of rainy the last couple of days, but no sign of snow or anything like that, it's better than Logan's it'd bet this time of year. That's sad to hear about the Ward Split, hopefully the ol' Crew, will stay in our sector, which is everyone basically. Change is like manure though, it stinks, but it promotes growth, so look at it that way :) I've seen A LOT of changes that seem sucky at the first, but it turns out being really good. I was actually really disappointed at first to leave Meridian as you know, but there is a ton of work here that I have been involved in so I LOVE this area and the people that we have taught. Thanks for all the letters and packages. I did get your cards and stuff, appreciated. Tell Mike we will hang out when I get home with the whole fam, including those Diva sistas, Mibs and Lu Lu, of Shelly's. Have they let you know anything about that scholarship deferment at all? That guy was cool, that's too bad. Tell Shirley that I'm thankful for her letter. I don't remember the Dickens Festival at all or the Christmas Tree, I was a Zombie last Christmas. Well, I gotta get goin, Love you all soooooo much!!! - Love Elder Bennett

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