Monday, June 3, 2013

May 27, 2013 Hello, Yeah, the Kreigers are awesome, that's way cool that they called you. They served as a Senior couple in Alabama and have told us some pretty funny stories, such as an Elder that had a pet Raccoon in their apartment and they were able to tame it. You asked if the Burmese were baptized, they were, and there was a wedding an hour before, very casual, the Stake President, President Harris, married them. It was cool to see him, he was happy to see me again. I also got a picture of me with the LaMarche's Since we are in Twin for District Meetings, Interviews, Conferences, eating, etc. etc., I have the chance to see some people that I knew, it's way cool. That area is really blessed though, we always seem to be busy. It'll be interesting to see how the members change as there are more missionaries and less jurisdiction, we're all bankin' on more work because if they don't raise the bar then we are going to not have a ton of work to do or success. Zone conferences are about every 3 months. A quote that I have heard over and over, "The Gospel can make bad men good, and good men better". Doesn't surprise me about the whole people at the Temple mistaking Shelly's age, expected, she could get into Disneyland for the tween admission. You said that you were starting D&C, read something else for a few days and start it on June 2nd, that's the beginning of the 140 day challenge which ends in October. When we conducted the 8 baptism interviews, we each got a Burmese name from the Family, mine is Tarapoachee which means "little brother and teacher", it was tight to be able to get the "hook-ups" that I previously did in Twin, namely Free Great-Clips hair-cuts and Free Coldstone on P-days. I am learning SOOO much from the orange manual of the New Testament (Jesus Christ and His Apostles). I bought these ones from the DI that were like a dollar, Old Testament and D&C. We ate at the Kreigers 3 times in the last 2 weeks, they signed up a lot :) We played a lot of basketball last week. For Leadership Meeting, we went on exchanges and I was with Elder Larsen for the day. He is John Mayhew's personality in the flesh, like almost exactly. There was this dog that came over to me flopped on my feet and peed on me. Me and the WML went over the Directory and it took FOREVER and Elder Larsen fell asleep it was funny. We also went and got an ice-cream on the way home and it was the worst cone that we've ever had. Pop-corn Prayer=Success: Pop-corn prayer is a way of getting investigators comfortable with prayer. Each person just says one or two things they are grateful for or need. .............. Chick-Fil-A Demon children, So after one of our meetings, I believe it was a District meeting, all of us were hungry and went to Chick-Fil-A. It was kind of a bad experience which usually isn't the case. We had to sit at these little tiny table things with chairs with no back support and right by us was the glass to the playground things and kids were trying to break through to get us, spitting on it, licking it, and rubbing their lips and faces all over, the glass was disgusting. We had great lessons with 2 part-member families and the non-members have agreed to keep some commitments so we'll let ya know how that goes. One of the Bishop's here looks like and sounds almost exactly like Nicholas Cage So there is this family that lives in an Indian Hogan, the whole house is in a circle, no rooms,pretty interesting, everything is just in plain view. We contacted a few people and they were atheist, non-interested, etc. felt a little down afterwards, but we ran into some members outside afterward and shared a scripture with them and I did the one in Alma 8 where Alma the Younger is going to Ammonihah and he is rejected, spit on, reviled, and even kicked out and he's feelin pretty bad walking back and an angel appears to him and lets him know that he did his best and fulfilled his responsibility. Brother Robinson told us a thing he did on his mission in Alaska, Well there ya go I said that I'd describe the week more and I did it, have a great week! Thanks for everything, Love Elder Bennett

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