Wednesday, May 22, 2013

May 20, 2013 HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHELLY BELLY FELLY MELLY REGIS AND KELLY???? Hope that you have a great one! You're kids are funny, I'm honored that they share a portion of the royal blood line w/ me, it's fun to be their uncle, but I'm going to make sure that Ty has more self-esteem and confidence and that Taycie is not a supa diva in High School. Speaking of royalty, the 3rd installment (a word used to introduce a new section or portion of a bigger whole; I've returned back the my Kingdom over in Twin this last Saturday for the baptism of Riley. He's an awesome kid and so spirtual, he stands out from others because of his kindness, and just overall Christ-like characteristics. The parents were very touched . Since the "S" family live close to the church I saw them, wonderful visit. They told me how much they missed me and that they would come to Kimberly and make us food and would love to see me again. I love those guys. .You're right about the whole time is going by fast thing, it's crazy. Elder Kofoed, Elder Hardy, and a few others gave their "trunkamonies" which is defined as their last testimony at a Zone Conference, pretty self explanatory. Mine will be next time, crazy. Elder Kofoed and I have baptismal interviews for the 8 Burmese people getting baptized this week, they have quit smoking and have shown big improvements according to Elder Jarvis, in my area. I tried to just stop by Momma Truscotts quick but she wasn't home. I got to see a few awesome members at the baptism such as Brutha La Marche and family, the Presbas, Radmalls, Crofts, Christensens, etc. Bishop Christensen who is related or his wife to Elder Spencer Kelly that I served with in Russia, said that he's been just waiting for school to start. For morning exercise, districts meet to play basketball for a good cardio work out. We taught a part member family, Anyway, we had a powerful lesson and I challenged him to baptism and let him know that he is ready even if he doesn't think that he is (see Mosiah 18 & D&C 20 for qualifications for baptism), felt the Spirit way strong, in time he'll accept it all. For mutual the leaders invited us to do this presentation about how we take care of finances and p-day essentials They had to go to various stations and keep track of how much money they were spending from their $100 dollar allotment. They came out and looked at the car and I had to explain how to open the hood and where the wiper-fluid and battery were in the car to the Young-women, all I have to say is wow... we should know more as a people.... It was funny though when they had completely no idea about anything. We had dinner at this member's house who his son went to Japan and married a girl from there later, ahhhh, awesome lettuce wraps, they compete with Jared's. I learned a few phrases, "Ohio-mashi-man" is good morning and "Koneechiwa" is good afternoon I found out. ..Bishop's store house, I got to do that again which was fun. Saw some members that I knew from the wards that came to pick up orders for people. There was a dinner the other day with this girl that is a cutie (13 or so), but everything I said she would do this long gut-laugh that is probably the funniest laugh I've ever heard. So yeah I just got the Drop-box pic's on, the sock-monkey is a gift from the Bradshaw's namely Sister Bradshaw. Once in my testimony I talked about how when a monkey sees a shiny thing in a jar it gets it's hand stuck and won't let go, even if people are coming to get him, and how we as members need to let go of those things that are holding us back from sharing the Gospel and reaching our full potential. Sue will basically be a Mission-mom to the Chinese for 3 years. Cool about the Summit thing, I love David and Lori I wish 'em the best, hopefully that place is poppin' now days. Thanks so much for the updates, letter, and love. We're headin' out, looking forward to tellin ya more next week! :0 -Love Elder Bennett Oh yeah, the "Pleasant Surprise" was seeing President Cannon in the Hansen ward, he was traveling and didn't have the opportunity to have the sacrament so he came to that ward on his way to Twin, I love that man, it'll be sad in a little while when everything changes. Well love ya!

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