Wednesday, May 15, 2013

May 13, 2013 Heck, that whole Skype Call was squampus, very frustrating, at this point it was laggy and awkward enough that I kinda wish I just got on the phone and talked to everyone for a little bit each, but it's over, so whateva. It was good to see the family clan and Father Abraham over in Kentucky. Those kids were wild at the end of it, that's crazy that "Mibblets" as she calls herself is able to communicate now. You asked about Zone Leader Responsiblities, I found this hope it helps.... Most missions are divided into several zones, a zone being a geographic area specified by the mission president (though these are often the same area as the LDS ecclesiastical unit known as a "Stake"). A zone encompasses several more organizational units called districts. Each zone and district is presided over by leaders drawn from male missionaries serving in that area. Zone and district leaders are responsible for gathering weekly statistics, assisting missionaries in their areas of responsibility, and general accountability to the mission president for the well-being and progress of the missionaries under their stewardship. A district typically encompasses four to eight missionaries, and may or may not comprise more than one proselytizing area. An area is typically a portion of the LDS ecclesiastical unit known as a Ward (or congregation), one Ward, or multiple Wards. Anywho, the "Back in Black" title of my letter last week referred to the AC DC song, as named, and I did it because I was coming to Twin again, "Back in Twin" to the tune of that song. I was saying about La Grande that I miss living with those 4 elders, no sales tax, people pumping your car gas, and some of the members/investigators, but I like it here. Transfer day we showered and stuff at 3 in the morn to get to Ontario at 7:50 and we had a rest stop in Boise because one of the APs hit this thing with the trailer and they had to go get a UHaul rental one so it gave me time to see all my previous comps at the mission office, got to Twin like 2:00ish or so. Well like I said we are going to be moving across the street in like 2 weeks, not sure what house to tell ya. Things are going great we meet a lot of people at parks, on the street, referrals, etc. I feel we'll see a baptism together. Well I love you all, Happy Mothers Day to everyone, especially Mama, I'm so grateful for all your help to get me to where I am, as well as Papa, you have both done so much I can't repay ya. Well we're heading out, I'll talk you you guys next week! - Love Elder Bennett :)

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