Monday, May 6, 2013

April 29th 2013.....If you are not familiar with the Lord of the Rings quote at the beginning of the tale it goes blah blah blah and "In the Darkness Bind You". When you were mentioning the whole "Pillar of Salt" talk that President Ricks was giving it made me reflect on all the stuff in the world that "binds" us down and makes us subject to it. According to Christ He said, "The Truth will make you free", who's going to challenge that one? The Gospel is seriously the only way we are going to have lasting happiness in this life and the life to come. It's way sad, to see people around you, we had one this week, who are affected by Anti-stuff that other churches put out, and those who just willingly choose to reject the teachings of the Savior. There was one of our investigators that got caught up in all that , he was saying blasphemous things about Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon. Dang, you get your heart broken so many times on your mission that you are about ready to take on most disappointments later in life. I feel that is why on your mission that you go through droughts and hard times, to help you realize how good you really have it when times are, well, good :) I have a testimony of this great work we're involved in, it's tough, but the life of a disciple of Christ is not easy. My knee is doing just fine, it only hurts when it is bent a certain way. That reflective vest, I have not worn that cursed thing. The possibility would be with a new missionary. The Fellowship did enjoy the Pringles and the Charleston chews as well as myself, I explained Jared's run-in with the Charleston and how it jacked up his toe, can't quite remember the medical terminology they concluded on it. Speaking of Jared, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Congrats papa That'll be a good experience for you and you will come to love and serve the members of the High Priest group more than ever before. That's awesome that Mike is gung-ho about full-time missionary service, he needs to prepare and be ready though, have him read Preach My Gospel and the scriptures in it daily. That'd be way cool if he got that job at the DI, he's a good worker, better than dang Fiesta Fun. Another picture is a Bennett original, my District making the Book of Mormon the "Keystone", pretty cool right? Yeah, I'm going to Skype ya on Mothers Day. President Cannon mentioned October 21st, but I'm not sure if that's set in stone, apparently they send you some pre-going-home papers about my time. Had Stake Conference this week, the 70s came, Elder Bowen, Elder Hamilton, and a new Stake President was put it, we predicted the right one like 4 months ago, saw it a mile away. Elder Bowen focused on missionary work, but there was a Q&A that people could ask questions. I liked how he was saying that we (Elder Bennett and crew) are the "Part-time Missionaries" and the residents are the "Full-time" because they don't transfer. He asked who do you really think knows your neighbors better, someone whos been here for 6-12,ex. weeks or someone that's been here for 3-5 years. Really pumped up the members. President and Sister Cannon were at the Saturday adult session, it was great to see both of them, they spoke. Well I love you all, we gotta get going, have stupendous week! - Love Elder Bennett

1 comment:

  1. Im so glad that their are a lot of people particularly the youth that who are ready to serve.

    Thanks for sharing!

    family international children of god
