Tuesday, May 7, 2013

May 6th, 2013 I can bear solemn witness that If you give money to me to try and gamble the predictions of transfers for you, that you and I would be broke, transfers ALWAYS surprise me! I was called to serve in Kimberly 1 as a Zone Leader with Elder Kofoed, so that should be way fun, I've already had a blast at getting to know the Zone, and I already know the Twin area like the back of my hand, I've just gotta get a hang of Kimberly now. I expect that this and following transfers will be VERY busy for us, so I ask for your prayers, it's a lot to manage, but I've already felt peace/comfort from Heavenly Father as I am serving in this regard. Oh and guess what, hahahaha, I just got done eating at Chick-Fil-A :) Oh, also, a kind gentleman jumped in front of us and paid for it, seems like Idaho. The only downside was packing and getting ready in the morning at 3:00. I got to see a TON of missionaries that I haven't seen for a long time which was way fun, such as Elder Dearborn, Elder Poplin, Elder Lehmuller, Elder Hardy, Elder Bloomfield, Sister Christensen, Elder Kelliher, etc. Congrats to Justin for completing the Ironman, way to be! Well since today has been way crazy, I've actually got to get going here, but I'm lookin forward to communicating with you guys on Sunday, HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!!! - Love Elder Bennett :)

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