Monday, June 24, 2013

june 24, 2013 Well like you said there is a little bit of a stir with all this change, but not too much, people are taking it well from what I can see. Elder MacFarlane is in Jerome Training a missionary and he is in Twin today for P-day, he is in the room emailing as well, waaaaaaay awesome to be able to see him again and hang out today. We have indeed left the home we were in and moved into the apartment it is amazing! Two-stories, two-bathrooms, separate kitchen, bedroom, and study room. No complaints there, the family that owns it is way cool. Yeah the Zone is doing wonderful, they are working so hard and we are seeing some success as well.We have an investigator who refered himself on we have set a baptismal date for July 13th and he agreed to it and even attended a farewell yesterday. That broadcast was pretty good wasn't it, the church is gettin crazy with their videos and stuff, so profesh now days. The computer and FaceBook stuff doesn't apply to this mission for the time being, and we don't have iPads either. That's awesome to hear that Adam Baker is relocating closer as well, he's a great guy. I do feel good about life though, I'm so grateful that I was able to come finish what I started and just overall improve the quality of my life, my skill set, and testimony. Great to hear that Papa did a good job on his talk and that the Spirit was felt. We had the experience of contacting in the Rain/Hail and being trapped in it because we parked our car somewhere to save miles. There was a house that we went to and there was this small zip-line that I did because I weigh nothing, they have it for the grand-kids, but I'm like the size of one, there's benefits. They also have life-size Monsters Inc. characters down-stairs that we got pictures with, I'll get them over to ya sometime. We picked up a few investigators this week. There was this Pinterest recipe that a member used for Teriyaki hamburgers, ohhhh, soo good, you should try that sometime. We were able to help the Hansen ward with Chapel-clean up on Saturday. It helps you better appreciate the building and service if you are involved in the maintenance and up-keep of it all. We had dinner with one of our Ward mission leaders, Bro.Jackson, he works in the Radiology department at the hospital and gives people Radioactive pills to see where the blood is coming from on an X-ray, that type of stuff. Bro. R who we're renting taught me how to hit a golf ball correctly and everything, he's way good at it. We had to get some dish-ware, silver-ware, and such and I was able to see one of the previous Bishops that served over the 24th ward, Bishop Jacobia. Well thank you so much for everything you're doing, have a great week and I'll hear from ya soon. Love Elder Bennett! :

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