Monday, June 3, 2013

June 3, 2013 First off... Well, another crazy week as usual, it sounds like you guys had a pretty interesting one as well. The exchange with Elder Mander went great, I was able to see this guy that is the father of one of my previous investigators. Also while we were by the Family History Center this guy was saying that this Russian guy lives across the street. Soooo of course we went by and he answered the door and didn't seem very sociable or anything, but I started speaking Russian and he was like, "Huh, Interesna?" (Uhh that's interesting) and he was like wow, you don't have a bad accent, and I was like, you don't either, he laughed and slapped me in the shoulder (did it another time for something too :) ) nice guy, but he said that his kids read the bible and that we should go teach someone who doesn't know Jesus and it kind of ended there, he wasn't interested in us coming back but he was cordial about it. It's a small world, he came from Kazakhstan and a few other countries. We ate dinner at this guys house who is an Advertising/Marketing Director for local businesses, he helps them create their commercials and stuff, ahhh, that's like almost exactly the type of stuff that I'd like to do. His son plays tennis and is apparently pretty good, they won like some Western Coast Classic tournament or something. We haven't moved yet, it's somewhat of a fiasco to a certain point. We have to move like in a week, week and a half or so. You're right, it will be a very sad day when President Cannon leaves. I hope that the new one is compassionate and kind like he is, I'm sure he'll be great as well. Mike acting crazy at Lake Powell diving off 45 foot cliff's isn't a surprise to me, he's always had some daredevil blood in him. You all are probably gaining a few pounds from all these restaurants in Kentucky and Tennessee... speaking of which Cafe Rio is the Korihor of the Restaurant business, you start out at $4 and you end up with $8 or so, they always try to catch you in your words and make it seem like their condiments are free... "Would you like Lettuce" "Does it cost money" "Yes" "Would you like some Pico salsa" "Is that extra?" "Yes" ughhhhh, it makes me mad, they are deceptive and sit on a throne of lies. The prophecies are coming true, "Things will become slippery from your hands" speaking of Papa's Oakley's and whatever else you too lost, just signs of the times :)... I'm really excited to go to the Temple this week with one of the Districts, it's been awhile. Hey we're heading out, that's awesome that you got to have a fun little trip together. I saw Shoshone Falls this week, it's pretty impressive, a WML took us out to see it quick. Things are going great though, we're getting closer with a few people. For Tim, there is this family that's awesome that fed us Tres Leche, it was good. Have a wonderful week you guys, love you all!!! :) - Love Elder Bennett

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