Tuesday, June 18, 2013

june 17, 2013 HAPPY FATHER'S DAY !!!!!!!!! I think I might have found out the reason why we only call on Mother's Day; it is more renound as a National/Global holiday, where as, Father's day is only practiced in most places and not virtually all, who knows though but It'd be nice to call, but at least ya got that text from Brother Richman. Thank you for helping me with my mission, with both aspects, the spiritual from the letters and the temporal with finances, it has been the overall best experience of my life, I've gained so many friendships, more knowledge, and "street-smart"; I love it. Hope you had a great day and that you were able to enjoy the company of the rest of your loins. Well I'd probably have to say that the most memorable part of this week was me getting some Bird Flu disease from Panda after I ate there, never would have thought, I've trusted them for so long... it might be awhile before I head back; the meat must have been out too long, something in the sauce, i dunno, terrible experience, but luckily it was for only a season, meaning 24 hours. Today, as well as most transfer days, has been crazy, running here to there and everywhere. That's good that you were able to have Juniper, I'm way jealous now, good thought to buy some packs of the seasoning. Well here we go 3 transfers left and one of them is already determined, I wonder what the next two will bring. The family that we're going to live with is really cool from what I hear. The Zone is doing amazingly, as a gang we got 199 lessons this week, 63 of those being lessons with a member present (teaching investigators) that's awesome. It's apparent why Heavenly Father sees a lot of potential in this area. We had dinner at Elder Allen of the 70's brother yesterday, it was awesome. His son is like a freakishly close doppleganger to Justin Hutchinson. His girls are all very musically talented and one learned harp with Elizabeth Smart. Stephen friend of Stephen Kofoed, my companion, they were like best friends in Missouri, lives in Jerome and got a hold of us and made it seem like he was an average smoe that wanted to feed the missionaries and then Elder Kofoed found out. We went to lunch with him and his wife at Chilis the other day, it was a good time. Well I've gotta run and get some stuff done. Anyways, love you all, I loved the letters from Ty and Jake and Taycie's picture. Have a great week! -Love Elder Bennett

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