Monday, November 19, 2012

Monday, November 19th, "20:5:13:16:12:5 __ 4:5:4:9:3:1:20:9:15:14" Speaking of "Matrixes", I have given you a matrix/code of numbers that correlate with a letter of the alphabet. To find out the title you have to de-code it, bwwaaahhh huh ha, I'm so evil. Here is a hint... 1=A, 2=B. Can't believe it's been another week out on the mish. It really is crazy that one year ago I was Zombie-Billy and I came home and was in that awful state that I was. So grateful for all of you, Heavenly Father, and the Savior for healing me at that very complicated time in my life. We didn't go to Boise for the Cultural Celebration, but it was broadcasted at some of the local stake centers. We took two investigators with us. One of them is preparing to take his GED soon, he is suuuuuper intelligent and loves "mathmatics". I'm sure he'll pass with flying colors. We have set up lessons with him that a portion is dedicated to helping him study English, Math, Grammar, etc. and the rest is Gospel study and reading from some of the pamphlets, lately it's been on the Restoration. We have 3 baptismal dates as of now. They are set for December 1st, so we'll have a white Christmas and "white Baptisms" I guess, this was our Zone goal (Have some for December). There was a mini-Thanksgiving hosted by the 2nd ward, Brother LaMarche has a picture of it on his iPhone that he'll send me. He invited us to have Thanksgiving at his house, we're excited for that, him and his family are so awesome. That's cool that Judy got that Honda, they're usually pretty good, maybe you should go that route. Lambo is decent, but I'm tellin ya, he'll give out soon, it's only a matter of time. So we had Zone Conference this week, it was from 8:30 am - 5 pm, talk about a long day, but a good one. We found out some more information about departing missionaries. Now the procedure is to leave the Saturday before transfers because it's more convenient for going to the last trip to the temple with President as well as flying out, scheduling, etc. but who knows if it will change when President Cannon leaves in July :( :( :( I love that man, he is truly one of the most loving, patient, charitable people I have ever met, as well as Sister Cannon. Anyway, with this change, I would come home Oct.26th instead of the 31st for example, I think that's my dates, idk. Not getting trunky or anything, just letting you know of the recent news. Since it was the Zone Conference of the Holidays, we got to play this hat game where you switch hats to this music, like musical chairs, and if you don't have one when the music stops you're out. There were so many cheaters. We also got to watch, "The Other Side of Heaven, OSOH is a pretty good movie, I forgot what really happened in it so It was a good refresher. I remember when he came to the Benson Stake and talked to us and all I got from it was that rat bit the soles of his feet off, I was younger, less attention-span. I knew those girls that you mentioned from SV, good for them. That was a good quote that you left in your message. It'll be cool to meet all of these Russian people that you claim are migrating to St.G. Well I hope you all have a great Thanksgiving, I'm gonna miss the circus, but I'll be there next time :) Thank you for all of the letters and packages, I'm spoiled :) Love you all, talk to ya next week! Oh p.s. There is a woman in the Relief Society in the 2nd ward who is like related to Elder Kelly that I served with in Novosibirsk. She said that he is very competitive in family games. Anyway, we'll obshatseya (converse) paposhye (later)! -Love Elder Bennett

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