Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Tuesday, November 13, 2012 2:35 PM Prrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeevvvvvvvviiiiiiiiieeeeeeeetttttttt to my family and friends on this wonderful Tuesday of November. So there was a situation yesterday where the library was closed for the Veteran's holiday and the Family History Center was having electrical work done so it was not in operation, these means we're pretty much out of luck, on getting emails out :) President said that we would have an opportunity today to do our normal hour and fifteen that we usually do on P-day. That is why I didn't write cha yesterday, It's not because I ignored ya or anythin of that nature... Ty gave a talk? Wow, he's surely growing up fast, I thought it was a few years before he started doing that. Last P-day I got some music at Desert Book , pretty good, but stuff get's old fast especially when you have a 300 mile Road Trip to Boise and you're the driver. Hey I get to see you soon on Skype, I'm not sure on the deets, but it'll be fun to hear yall voices and hear about the pork loin yall are makin for the holidays. Right now one of Momma Truscott's friends is on vacation so we have two extra furry creatures runnin' around the house, Skippy, a sassy Corgie that I love, and Joey, this dog that's half-shaved curly hair so it looks like a girl, but it's a boy dog. And of course, Tuffy, chiwawa, and Bob, who loves to just be lazy in this tower carpet thing that she bought him. We've been helping an investigator build his shed. We picked up a new investigator who came to church this last Sunday and stayed for all meetings and really liked it so we're way excited. We also have a few baptismal dates coming up here,one is set for December 1st, so we'll see what happens. Oh yeah, soooooo I tried the new battery on the camera and it worked for like one hour and now it doesn't. I think it might be the camera itself, it won't charge any more, so I can't take any pics. Well we're heading out to go do some missionary work with Brother LaMarche (Ward Mission Leader) so we'll talk to ya later! -Love Elder Bennett :) :) :)

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