Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Party in the Parking Lot" Hello once again friends, family, and all creatures alike who are reading my emails. If you could just sense the subject of this letter with the tune "Party in the U.S.A." by Miley Cyrus, it has a nice ring to it... With all of the different wards that we cover, there were Ward Halloween Parties & Trunk or Treats for each one of them. I forwarded a few pics from 2nd wards that Brother LaMarche took with his iPhone, pretty good costumes huh? As you probably guessed, we were dressed as missionaries. Everybody was happy to see us at the Trunk or Treats with our garbage bags that we got from the janitorial closet except for really only one guy who said, "Get off your mission and go have kids if you want some" and denied us candy for a few seconds until he threw it in our bag, ughhh, You're not the only one who mentioned the "Hump-Day", Elder Hardy did as well. Let Sue know how grateful I am by the way for the card and the Subway card ($15) that she sent in the mail, it helps out. Also, thank you for your package that you sent with the Reeses, lovely creations they are, Fruit-Roll ups, way good too, and the Skittles. I love hearing from you, Papa (his crazy hospital stories and what's going on), Justin (wise council and how he is able to get through his busy life), and Mike (him liking Indians and whatever else comes up that week). He looked pretty good in that clown/zombie costume, I'm sure he scared a few people for sure. Elder Dearborn really is so funny and has a sense of humor, you were so worried about me offending someone with my sarcasim/humor but he just sends it back, we make a great team.. ---- was baptized this Saturday, he will be one of the General Authorities one day I swear, he is so awesome. I'll email some pics. , They are finishing up the Chick-Fil-A here, will totally be done in a month :) hahahaha Tell John Mayhew and J Hutch that I say hello. Also thank Sarah S. for the letter that she sent, she's a good friend, she says that Aaron Austin says hello to me and that she hasn't heard anything from Adam Aguillon on his mission yet. . The ----- were at church yesterday, we are working with 'em ( great family, the little girl was bawling because she wasn't up there singing with the Primary Program, so I think they'll get her involved with that soon. We heard that there were about 8,000 applications in the first week of the announcement and it has leveled out at about 4,000, that's a ton. The election tomorrow, mercy. Well I got to get goin', so we'll talk to ya next week, "Bye everybooooddy" - Love Elder Bennett,

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