Thursday, November 1, 2012

Oct 29.condensed version I was laughing my head off last night when Elder Kelliher was telling me this story about one of the people that they met with and had them over for dinner. Apparently Elder Kelliher has this picture that he carries around of this huge/legendary Elk that someone shot and the guy asked him , "Ahhh did he save the liver?!" Then Elder Kelliher was like "Uhhh, no", then the guy got so mad because that's like his favorite food. As a matter of fact, we actually had potatoes, carrots, and.... onions and calf liver for dinner... that meat has a different taste to it... We had the baptisms this weekend, it went great, she has such a strong testimony. We also have a baptism scheduled for this Saturday he is awesome, so the ward and us are excited. Elder Haleck of the 70 came to a Zone Meeting as you see from the picture. I think he spoke not this last conference, but the one before that. Kayla having a baby before Krista? OHHHHHHH I love those wiggle cars, I pushed Elder Reed in Walmart and he was going so fast that he crashed into one of the isles and fell off, it was pretty dang funny. Lambo isn’t worth fixing, sell it for $1000 now while it runs and just tell him to buy a newer one. Good for Mike for keeping his grades up. Dang glad to hear that Justin is doing great. Don’t send the Russian coat, it’s to heavy, I’m fine right now, just keep money on the card and if I need one I’ll just get it, if I buy stuff like that here its better than if you send it in the mail. Its not that bad, there are times we both scream in the car, like we did earlier in yours when it was just cold in the morning or night while its defrosting. There have been a few Halloween parties here, there was a bounce house at one and there was a girl that talked to us and said she wanted to be baptized, pretty cool, we got some candy as well, which Bob sat and pawed at all night. That is soooo crazy about the whole East Coast storm stuff, right now I'm in 3rd Nephi a couple chapters before Christ appears to the people of Bountiful to manifest himself as the Savior and bless them and there were a lot of signs of destruction before His coming and when He was crucified in Jerusalem, it kind of reminds me of what's goin on right now. Well, I've gotta get back, so I'll talk to yall later, I love ya and hope that you all have a wonderful week! Enjoy the pictures :) - Love Elder Bennett

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