Thursday, November 1, 2012

Oct 22, Elder Bennett had alot of experiences in this weeks letter, but for the privacy of others it won't be published in the blog. So this is pretty short..... Ohhh, what a wonderful sight to go outside, it's pouring rain, and see that someone has egged your car. Don't know who did it, but when I find 'em I'm going to have Bob use his back feet (his front ones are declawed) and mess them up a little bit. Our car has taken a few hits this week, I'm pretty sure that I told you about that lady that backed up into us and made a dent above the rear light and scratched it up. We have to get the claim thing approved and then take it into a body-shop for 3 days and get it repaired . It has been fun to be a trainer, Elder Dearborn is great, he is a funny kid. Why did you give the stray away?! You should have kept it! Oh so Elder Dearborn used to be a salesman for a Toyota outlet and he claims Toyotas, Hondas, and Subarus are the way to go on efficiency. That's funny that Tim described Hunter's friends as the next Disney Channel show waiting to happen, I laughed at that. That's way good that the missionaries came over. It has been rainy weather today, but I'm glad it was raining so the eggs didn't hurt the paint. We just did some shopping today because it was too bad of weather to do anything outside. Hope it's nicer down there where you are, enjoy the wonderful St. George climate that I love. Thanks for all of your support, love, and letters, you're the best!!! - Love Elder Bennett

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