Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Since the computer went haywire on Elder Bennett, Elder Hardy's parents were kind enough to send us their son's letter,here is the condensed version with the highlights of the week Letter from Elder TJ Hardy August 21, 2012 We headed to the mission nurses house and helped her and her husband move the furniture into their new house with Elder Bailey and Elder Miles. We were there for most of the day - they also made us lunch and a big one too! After we got done with that we headed back to the house got our bikes and then went to dinner at a Scout Pack Meeting at the Park near our house then we went around and made some visits. We met an investigator and he is great! I really think we can have some great success with him! Wednesday (15th)-- Went out contacting and had a few good conversations. Went and got free snow cones down at the Maverick gas station where the Elders get them for free. After that we went and did some more contacting in that area and then we went to dinner with the Former Elder Quorum President - The Allen Family. They are super cool. We were there for like 2 hours just talking about missions and it was a ton of fun!! He had some great stories. Then we went and saw a part member family as we do every Wednesday and we talked about life after death. Thursday (16th)-- Today we got did our morning usual then headed to the church to do our weekly planning! That took a long time today because we were both out of it and couldn't keep our attention! It took forever and then we had a hard time finding members, investigators home to teach. Then we had dinner tonight with the Testa Family - we all got talking about the Gospel in general. Friday (17th)-- This morning we headed to the church and had our weekly District Meeting and had district lunch. We got trained on Christ-Like attributes - went well. For lunch we went to 5 Guys and a member paid for all of us. He went up to the cash register and dropped a $100 bill on the table and said this is for them. Talk about a blessing! It was neat. Once we got done with DM and lunch we headed to our house and got on our bikes and went and visited some investigators. After that visit we headed to do some service for some potential investigators but they didn't answer. We then headed to one of our investigators to do some yard work. Saturday (18th)-- This morning we went to the School across the street from our house to help the Hunter Ward with some service that involved cleaning the school and pulling weeds, etc... After that we got ready for the day and then did our studies then we had lunch and then went to the church to do our weekly progress records and then went and delivered them to the Ward mission leaders and bishops and stake president. After that we headed to dinner, after dinner we went and visited some members to see if they were working with anyone and if we could help them at all. Got a call from Michelle Adams saying she bought us groceries and that they had ice cream cake that they wanted us to come over and have with them so we did. She bought us a TON of groceries and this really really helps out with the money situation. Sunday (19th)-- Went to the Hunter Ward at 9am then to Settler's Bridge at 11am after sacrament we went with 2 priests to a members house to assist them with shut-ins then headed back to the last ward of the day we finished up there. Then went on splits from 3-4 with the Meridian 2nd ward and then went to a lesson with an investigator. After dinner we went to an investigators house and helped him move some furniture so that the carpet cleaners could come and clean his carpets in the morning early. Monday P-Day (20th)-- Today we went to our church and played volleyball with a good 20+ missionaries and had a great time! :) Then we went to lunch at Subway - After lunch we went to Big Al's Bowling Center. (brand new) and 17 of us went bowling it was ton of fun!! It's been a good week but with summer coming to a close and school starting up we should have even more success. In the splits with Meridian 2nd ward we were able to find 4 potential investigators that we will be dropping by this week to see if we can't get them to let us share the gospel with them! :).

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