Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Letter came in the mail today .....Dear Family and all those near and dear to me. Here the old typewriter is more reliable than the fancy new technology can be at times. Well on Sunday we ate at the Adams home and was able to produce the video for 'yall, I've still got a baby face though, so I don't understand why you would say "I sent out a boy and now your a man". I will eternally look like a 12 year old . Will you let Angie Ransbottom, the Everetts, and Sue know how grateful I am for their letters, cards and money, and Pat for the Newton updates. People around me are getting sick, Elder Hardy was and now Elder Miles, I am drinking Pineapple juice and taking double doses of Vitamin C, so hopefully I can stay immune to the Zombie Infestation that is going around. Good for Adam A. , he's a great kid, always has been an extremely hard worker. Let Justin T. know how thankful I am for his constant support and compliments, he's a wonderful brutha, I'm excited for him and all of the progress that he's seening with his work. Well things are going great up here we are seeing alot of success and excited for the next couple of weeks. We have 2 baptismal dates set and are teaching some who will be close soon, so life's good. We had interviews, President Cannon is such an amazing man, I respect him so much. I'm very fortunate to have him as a mission president. He is so loving and just wants the best for you, I can honestly feel how sincere he is and how much he cares about this mission. Transfers are Monday, there are going to be quite a few changes. We had a sweet Zone activity on P-day. Nerf wars. That is so weird that Tim is 33, I thought he was like 30, wish him the best for me, that he will be blessed with a job in St. G , wouldn't that be great? Well I better get goin, I just got a package from the ups lady like 5 seconds ago. thank you :) Love, Love, Love Elder Bennett

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