Monday, September 10, 2012

Monday, September 10, 2012 8:23 PM I have had to buy a couple of language books because I am kind of in the melting pot of Idaho right now. We are teaching Burmese, Karen, Deaf, Napali, Middle-Eastern, and English speaking as well. We're waaaay lucky that we have a few interpreters to help us, but I'm trying to learn a few phrases to connect with the people. I think that I am going to have to send ya another type-written letter sometime this week because I want my letter to be more explanatory. Let Michelle Adams know that I am sooooo grateful for the great friend and lady that she is, she is just so kind. Where we live now has a cat named Bob that chills with us in our room all the time. We've met a lot of people around here. About the car, I'm fiiiiiiiiiiiiine. You should worry about the drivers around me, when we were going to Wendy's today, there was a Lady that has no idea what's going on and totally pulled out and almost hit us, we were on the main road mind you, she was coming out to the main road. It has "sports" mode, which is cool sometimes, all around good car, wouldn't mind having something like that when I get home. We ate at that Salisbury girl's house, Sister Gardunia, she said she was from Logan area, I asked what part and she said Newton, and I was like me too!!. She did dancing and stuff with Shelly and knew you guys as well. I got the packages by the way, thanks for that, the Skittles have lasted forever. I haven't heard back from Joclynn yet :( That's cool that Lindsay wants to have correspondence, let her know I say hello. It's not as bad anymore not being in a bike area and being exhausted all the time; Well like I said, I'll try to get around to writing a longer letter, we were doing a lot of stuff today including soccer, volleyball, basketball, Coldstone, etc. so I didn't have pondering/clever letter writing time. Anyway, I'm gonna get goin' Be grateful for the pics that I sent ya, I was able to buy a SD card thing and send a lot of them today. Anyway, LOOOOOOOOOVVVVEEEE you!!!!!!!!

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