Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Dear Family, Pretty dang excited with the whole being in a car-area thing. I'm the area leader a.k.a. Senior Companion so that means that I'm the designated driver of the companionship. My baby is a Subaru Impreza and it has really good handling and even a "manual"-like mode that you can kick into if you want. I didn't really know what to think when we got transfer calls on Friday and I found out that I was leaving, sad times, I loooooooved Meridian! I thought I'd at least serve another transfer or two with Elder Hardy, we're like best buds, good to know that he lives close by in St G. It was hard to say my last good-byes to everybody, but at least it was Fast Sunday and I was able to let a pretty big majority of members know how grateful I was to serve there, definitely taking a road trip after the mission to visit people. I'm serving with Elder Reed (from Ohio, and like a fire-ball of energy) in Twin Falls, it's about an 1 1/2 - 2 hours away from my previous area. I'm lucky because the Twin Falls temple is close by and I heard that you get to go there about once a transfer. Elder Hardy and I went to Star and Caldwell on Saturday for a couple of baptisms that happened with people that he had previously worked with. He baptized one of the girls,and did a really good job, it was fun to be a part of all of that stuff for the day. There was a wedding reception for a lady that cut the missionaries hair (also a well-known member) in Caldwell right next to the building that the baptisms were in, so they wanted to go to that for a little bit. I'll fill you in on more that's happening in the new area as time goes on, kinda short on time today because of the travel, adjustments, etc. Really excited though because Elder Reed said that there are a lot of prospective baptisms that are getting ready to happen here. I love ya all ta pieces, Love Elder Bennett :)

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