Monday, September 24, 2012

Monday, September 24, 2012 6:33 PM So ok, I'm sure that you have all heard about those people that go to the park and have live reinactments, yeah, so there are people here of the "Belegarth" clan who meet every Thursday we found out, and are faithful followers of the "Medievil Combat Society". We were going to try and teach them the Gospel but the guy said he was Wicken, so we kind of avoided that part of conversation. Their weapons are padded and have some foam under-neath the covering of some of them. The whole thing is ridiculous, but is fun to watch. There was an awkward situation at McDonalds the other day with the cashier lady. To understand the premise of the whole story you have to know that she is very Anti-Mormon and hates the missionaries. She slams drink cups on the table and treats us so much differently than the other customers. She asked for a name when Elder Norris was ordering and he said "Elder Norris" and she wouldn't accept it or say it because she said that It would be making her be part of our religion and that it was not the name that our mother's gave us. I asked to to say "Elder Bennett" and she got even more fiesty and started getting in a argumentative mood. I asked if I could talk to the Manager because we shouldn't have to deal with that, we go there frequently because it has a dollar menu, so we've run into this problem a lot. The Manager admitted that she was in the wrong and should not have been acting like that and that she HAS to call out any name that we give her, it could be Allah Jihad Malby Osama, and it's policy to call it. So after that whole National Lampoon order, the Manager talked to her and we saw from a distance her getting fired up and then it having to go outside. He started taking her position behind the desk sooooo we don't know what became of it. There was a college-aged girl that brought 4 little ice-cream sundaes to us though and she said that she was not a Mormon but she really respected what we do and apologized on behalf of the other ladie's actions, that was really sweet of her. We had Zone Conference so it was good to see a couple of missionaries that I have not seen for awhile. I re-arranged the room and it's so much better now, Elder Reed agrees, we have a nice place to study and it seems all-around more convenient. She has a little chiuaua and a cat (I love him! His name is Bob and he loves to hang out with us everyday and he's always waiting at the door inside and rolls on his belly when we get home). Hope Mitt wins it, even though the world is goin' to pot regardless. We are very busy right now, we have 9 baptismal dates set for October 13th so we're going to see what we can come up with scheduling wise. One of the families is from Iraq and speaks Arabic, they are soooo nice. I forgot to mention that every two weeks on Thursday we help unload the truck and load it into their cars in the church parking lot with the people from the Bishop's Store House (picture with me and a lot of boxes). Elder Hardy and I are like PB & J, I hope you have a good time getting to know his family. Momma Adams is a Travel Lady for Disney so she definitley travels a lot, she said that she was going to China with her in-laws, husband. EVERY MEMBER A MISSIONARY is right, 14 million is better than 55,000 or however many missionaries are out. P.S. They are making a Chick-Fil-A here!!! hhahaha, and I'm pretty sure that building is one also (in St.G) Let Sarah, and Justin H., Mike, Papa, and Justin T. I'm really grateful for their letters, I'll try to get back to them soon. Love you all, talk to ya next week!!! - ELDER BENNETT :)

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