Monday, September 17, 2012

Monday, September 17, 2012 6:22 PM Condensed version, names of people baptized left out for privacy Well, you saw the pictures, I was able to baptize someone for the first time in my life, pretty cool stuff. They are such a great family that is so receptive to the Gospel and love God, I love 'em!!! Interesting stuff though, for some odd reason the font started draining and nobody knew about it. So when it was time for the baptisms the water was like lower than half level and still draining, no one knew how to stop it! So we had to act fast and Elder Reed and Brother LaMarche had to baptize on their knees. Since the girl was short enough I didn't have to do that, but since it was more shallow, her dress came up a little bit and I had to do it again and the guys legs came up so Brother LaMarche had to do it a few times as well; but everything worked out in the end and we were able to get it done :) Unfortunately the day after I was sick. Elder Reed was sick this last week and I think I caught it from him, It was fairly short-lived looking back, well yesterday, but I was achey, ohh my back felt like I was 80 years old, chills, runny nose, etc. it's never fun to feel like that on your mission. Feeling much better today though, which is very good, can't be too effective if one of your "other half" is out; Anyway, thank you all so much for the letters you sent last week, it means a lot to get letters from Justin. Awww thats super nice what Momma Adams said about me. Well I gotta get going so we'll talk to you later!! -Love Elder Bennett

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