Sunday, May 8, 2011

Wednesday May 4th, 2011
Kak y vas dela?! (How are you?!)
Thank you sooooo much for sending all the things I've asked for! Clothes, supplies list, the sweat pants are the best thing to have ever graced my hairy legs. Thanks again. Tell Justin Hutchinson thanks for the Reese's shirt, and for all his letters. We heard about Bin Laden, thats crazy they got him after all these years. Big news, my companion Elder Krushinsky, and I were called to be the Sacarament Coordinators for our branch. I'm very grateful for this calling. It's a great way to feel the spirit and get ready to partake of the sacrament. We are in charge of asking others to bless using Russian sacrament prayers and ones for priesthood meeting, and we get the bread and needed supplies and prepare it. It's like I'm a priest again! Anyway, I'm so thankful to be able to take part in our sunday meetings. We just had fast Sunday and a monthly mission conference a couple days ago. My companion and I were heading to the chapel to get sacrament ready and the President of the MTC, President Brown was in the hall and we got to talk to him for a little bit, he is really nice. Fasting was great, I didn't even feel hungry, I testify of the power that it can have. It is crazy that we will be teaching all of our lessons in 100% Russian from now on! Keep praying for me, I'm gonna need it. I know that Heavenly Father is watching over me and will help me. I love Him so much. Tell Justin T that I'm thankful for the talks and letters that he sends, they have been really helpful. Also, let the kids know that I love em and their pictures are fantastic. Anyway, Love you all, thanks for everything!!!!!!!!!! Elder Bennett

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