Friday, May 13, 2011

Letter to his Dad
Thank you for the letters and all of the support, it's really helped me out. Things are going great here, it really gets better everyday. I get more confused with Russian grammar, spelling, etc. everyday, but it truly does get better and I learn and grow through trials and experiences. I can't believe that I'm already almost at the half-way mark of the MTC. I'll be in Mother Russia in no time! It's so exciting and I can't wait for it to happen, but it also makes me want to put forth my best efforts in training and preparation so I can be ready for that day. It's inevitable that companionships and districts will have difficulties and contention or annoyances, so as District Leader, I rely on the Lord and Heavenly Father to help me do and say the things that I need to for unity and the companionship of the spirit. We all come from different lifestyles, have different opinions, personalities , ect, So we all disagree on things, but we can agree on one thing. This gospel is true. Jesus is the Christ. He wants us as missionaries to share that truth with others. I love Him, and know that He will be with me every step of the way for these two years to help and carry me through trials. Please pray that I'll be able to speak this language and make a difference in Russia. The Savior has his hand in all things. I am so thankful for you, Thank you so much for helping me pay for a mission and for all you've taught me. Your the best and I love you very much. Thanks again! Love CTAPEULLUHA Bennett Fun Fact: The 9th of May is "Victory Day" in Russia. It's bigger than New Years. Former Soviet Union WWII Holiday. Anyway, Russia invented the war-truck with missle launcher artillary on the back. Theres a song about this war machine that they sing on this day that EVERY Russian knows, it's like 'Old MacDonald" to us. if you want to look up how the song sounds it's really cool. It's called KATHOLLlA "Katyusha"

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