Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Hellllllooooo!! How is everyone doing?! Thank you so much for sending me the Reeses care package. Peanut butter is scarce in Russia so it's great to have lots of it now. Well, we're the oldest group of Russian Elders, they left yesterday and Monday. It's sooooo weird. I liked a lot of them, it was hard to see them go. There is a thing called the "Free Box" and it's a tub of things that the Elders leaving throw in that they don't need so they can meet weight requirements on luggage. I've got a couple treasures form there, it's great. I was even awarded the "Fan of Faith" from Elder Hayes. There was a competition for it and the Elders had to give their definition of "faith" and the best one won. This fan didn't work when Elder Hayes for got it, but he tryed it again and it started working so they have never turned it off since. Thats one of the rules with the fan of faith, you can't turn it off. So my answer that won was "Going to Russia with just a suitcase and a bag of scriptures :) Oh, big news, since the older group left, it marked the 6 week change of leadership positions in every district. I was called as District Leader! It's crazy! I am so honored to be able to serve in this position and do my best to magnify this calling. I've started to see a lot of good changes in our zone and district and I know it is because of the Lord. He cares about all of His missionaries sooo much. We had the priviledge of having ANOTHER Apostle (3rd one since I've been here) come and speak to us. It was Elder Neil L. Anderson. At this rate, we might get to be taught by all the 12 before we leave! :) Could you thank Justin Hutchinson for me? He sent 4 more SD cards because he heard that I was sending you some pictures and he thought I needed some more. The temple was great today, Elder Krushinsky and I were able to do a sealing session. I could really feel the spirit as we did that. Guess what...We have to teach the entire TRC lession tonight in Russian! I'm a little nervous, but it is really fun. I have noticed that the Lord helps me remember what I've studied and blesses us with the gift of tongues if we try our best. I'm so thankful for my Savior. He has helped our companionship everyday to have more success and be better missionaries. Elder Krushinsky and I are becoming good friends and are learning how to teach and study more effectively and powerfully together. It's sooo crazy to think that we've almost reached the half-way mark! The other Elders that left said that it goes by so fast from when the new missionaries come to when they're about to leave. They come next week and I think there are going to be 80 or so of them in the two Russian zones, so it'll be interesting. Thanks for Clint's address and everything else. Oh could you please tell Pat Dagley thank you for sending me a letter. And let her know if it takes a little bit to get back to her. Thank you for all the letters, they've been a real strength to me. Let everyone know I love them and I say hello. Love you all!!!!!!!! Elder Bennett

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