Sunday, May 8, 2011

Tuesday, April 19th 2011,
Hello!!!!! Thank you so very much for the bag of candy! All the district really liked it and so did my teacher Brat (Brother in Russian) Savage. He's a really cool guy . Tell the kids that I miss em and tell Mike to be a good boy and mind you!! I don't think I've told you about our other teacher Seestra (sister) Kuznetzsova, she's really nice, and she's native Russian. It's been great to have her because we are experiencing what it's like to listen to a native speaker. Anysho, things are getting better here everyday! Today at the temple I did iniatory work and it was great! Sundays and P days are fantastic! So are the other days of the week, but you catch my drift. Lately we have been learning how to get to know about one's family and how to set up an appointment with them in Russian. The grammar is so crazy!! I am getting the hang of it, but if you could , pray for me that I will able to have the gift of tongues. Next week, we have to give our talks in sacrament meeting in Russian. It'll be weird when it happens, but I know the Lords hand is over this work and that he blesses his missionaries with miracles like that. Oh and for special requests, I would love some reeses!! and some body spray. I hope things are going well and I want you to know how much I love you all and miss you! I also miss the St. G weather, it's not as warm here, it's even rained some of the days... Treat Lambo good, he's been a good car! Later Love you Elder Bennett

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