Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Wednesday, May 18, 11:08 am
Hello!!! I like how in every letter you send to me has different closing phrases like "Your crazy mama," Your creepin mama" ect. I don't have the letter that you wrote with me so I'll have to go a little bit by memory. I think you asked when I was leaving, it's June 20th. It's sooooo crazy that the new Elders are coming today! It'll be nice to see what I looked like 6 weeks ago :). Last nights devotional was great. President Gordon B. Hinckley's son Elder Richard Hinkley spoke to us. He has a great sense of humor like his dad. This was a joke that he told us, he goes something along the lines of this..."So Adam and Eve had been kicked out of the Garden and have lived for a couple years outside of it and had some children. Adam was taking his little boys on a walk by the entrance of the Garden of Eden. He couldn't go in, so he put one of the boys on his shoulders so he could see what it looked like and said, "Boy, that's where your mother ate us out of house and home..") He said that his dad told him that one. Let everyone know that I say "Zdrastvuytsye" and that I love them. If you could, speaking of Hollister, send some more cologne or body spray. I'm close to out, I use it alot since we all stink because we all wear long pants and long sleeve shirts all day. Things are going well though, we're all getting really excited and nervous to be leaving here in about 4 and a half weeks. It's unreal! I can't believe that any of this is actually happening! I've waited 19 years for this opportunity and it's finally here. Life really goes by so fast! Russian is coming along, we'll be teaching an investigator tonight for the 2nd time in 100% Russian. Heavenly Father has blessed us all so very much with trying to understand and speak it. Going to the temple is such a great experience, I'll miss that. Russia has a stake center now, which is great news. The work is progressing so much there. Well I love ya all, hope things are going well. Da svi danya ! Love Elder Bennett

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